Serendipity Sunday...A Close Up Look At A Red Tailed Hawk
By Debbie Laity, Your Real Estate Resource for Delta County
(CinaJones Real Estate)
Some good friends of mine have a New Year's Day party each year. It's a good time with a lot of food and friends. Their son is going to be married soon, and his girlfriend is a falconer. Her bird of choice is a red tailed hawk. She was there for the party, and I got up close and personal with this bird of prey. Alesha has a license to keep this bird...who's name is John Wayne. She has a special box that he travels in. At home he has a large shed in which he freely flies around. When he's outside she keeps him tethered unless he's hunting. Yesterday she took JW out for some rabbit hunting. I'm sorry I missed that. This isn't a pet. Even though Alesha has raised this bird since it was four months old, the bird doesn't show any affection towards her. It's purely a working relationship. Ale...