
Whittier, CA Real Estate News

By Mark Velasco, Top Producing Broker Associate
(West Shores Realty)
How To Work With Million Dollar Clients:   What is the difference between a $100,000 home and a $1,000,000 home. Okay...yes...there are lot of nicer amenities.   What is the difference to the Realtor? Yes...instead of a $3,000 commission, there is a $30,000 comission. The KEY is to GET YOUR MIND OFF OF THE COMISSION! If we treated each and every client like a Million Dollar Client, then we will have Million Dollar Referrals. This may come in the form of ten $100,000 referrals or two $500,000 referrals.   My point is that our Clients who feel Valued and Respected will give you the Referrals that you need to thrive in this business. ALL Clients (rich or poor) can tell if you are working your "tail" off to give them the best possible service.   Have fun, work hard, and the money will take ...
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By Heather Crawford
(Prudential California Realty)
I was reading in the newspaper the other day about a couple that lives in a neighboring city who won $233 million in the lottery. First I was jealous of their good fortune, then I started thinking about all the stories about prior winners who later wished they had never won. What's wrong with this picture? My husband told me a story of a good friend from his high school days who won the lottery. There were 3 sons in the family, and the mom would buy three lotto tickets each week and hand them out. My husband's friend was a winner! The family was happy until the other 2 brothers insisted that the winning brother split up his winnings. He didn't like being forced to do anything, so he refused. It split up the family. The other 2 brothers still don't talk to him. This happened 30 years ago...
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By David Hood
(Chino Valley Real Estate)
Homes for Sale Whittier are Attracting Attention Homes for Sale Whittier have options abound, and with such a plethora of amenities, it is no wonder that this city is securing the consideration of savvy home buyers. Whether you are longing for an investment house, are a first-time buyer, or are in need of a more low-maintenance abode so you can fully enjoy your golden years, Whittier, CA, has it all. At this moment, there are numerous homes available in Whittier, CA. Our MLS and helpful realtors can help you unearth what so many Whittier, CA, residents already have - once you move here, you'll never want to leave! Whittier Real Estate Includes Low-Maintenance Homes From active adults to young professionals, our no-charge MLS is easy to use, and can help your quest for the ideal home in ...
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
When people come to my Whittier open houses, one of the most frequent questions I hear is, "Is this the master?" Most Whittier homes were built in the fifties, or earlier, before the concept of a master bedroom was commonly known.  Now, after the wild popularity of HGTV, buyers seem to think that all houses have master bedrooms or master suites.  Well, they don't. Most Whittier homes built in the fifties simply will not have a master bedroom, unless it has had an addition or alteration done to the house.  There were a few exceptions, though, such as upscale homes in the Friendly Hills area. In the past, a master bedroom or suite would exist in mansions or upscale homes only.  A home in an average residential area simply would not have one.  You may have a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, but...
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By Mark Velasco, Top Producing Broker Associate
(West Shores Realty)
Great Service at a Cemetary?  Yes, I said at a cemetary. My wife and I were going to a funeral of a really great nephew of mine when we were lost.   This cemetary is one of the biggest in Southern California called Rose Hills. There is no telling how long we could have been looking for a certain chapel (one of dozens-miles apart). Out of desperation, I pulled over and asked a man in a tractor where the Memorial Chapel might be.   He pulls out a sheet of paper from his back pocket. He asked what was the name of our departed loved one? After telling him, he looks down his list and tells us that he is sorry for our loss and he gave us great directions right to the chapel.   Try getting information at some Real Estate offices and you may feel like you are in a cemetary: no service and no li...
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By Mark Velasco, Top Producing Broker Associate
(West Shores Realty)
Treat Your Customers Right or Someone Else Will   Tonight after our couple's group at church, Tania and I went for a late night massage. We ordered a basic massage. They assigned us our location and then offered an upgrade "at a special rate." Tania and I refused because the special #2 is just like the special #1 (except double the price).   She insisted that we would love it. We had it before and we didn't. STILL she insisted that we upgrade. I was almost inclined to walk out (right then). My wife said a firm NO!   Half way through the massage...are you sure that you wouldn't like special #2?   This is a place that Tania and I go once or twice...okay...sometimes three times a month. We are now looking for a new massage place. Upselling is one thing...Pig headed is another. Give the cus...
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By Dave Singery, Friendly Hills Homes - Whittier Ca
(Triinity Realty and Investment)
  Why build a residential condominium complex there? The newest residential addition to the city of Whittier is The Gables of Whittier. This development was built by the HDS group LLC out of Pasadena California. The property is situated on 5.5 acres of Whittier blvd frontage in a predominantly commercial area on property formerly home to an automobile dealership. There are 96 condominiums ranging from the smallest 1 bedroom, 1 bath 637 sq ft of living area to the largest unit a 3 bedroom 2.5 bath with 1716 sq ft of living space. The base asking price for the smallest unit is currently $249,000 and the largest, the 3 bd, 2.5 bth is currently being offered at $429,000. When completed the property will have a small tot lot park area that unfortunately abuts to the backside carports of an a...
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By Mark Velasco, Top Producing Broker Associate
(West Shores Realty)
LA RainCamp Gems I am currently at the Active Rain Camp here in Los Angeles. One comment that I heard about this camp is that it is like "drinking water out of a fire hydrant." Very True! Here are 5 quick tips that Ben Kinney (from Keller Williams in Bellingham, Washington) made 5 tips to make sure that your Blogs get the most Google Juice possible:   5 tips to make sure that your Blogs get the most Google Juice 1. Key Words should be no more than 2-4% of your total content. 2. Your Blogs should be 300-500 words in length. 3. Start and end your post with your key word phrase. 4. Blogs should have only 2-4 outgoing links. 5. Pictures will maximize the chances that people will stay long enough to read the entire blog.     Other Gems from RainCamp LA: Michelle Drewry ASP- She was a home st...
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
Scotty's Family Restaurant is a popular coffee shop that has been in Whittier forever.  Long time dedicated customers swear by it, and prefer Scotty's Restaurant over any other place in Whittier for breakfast or lunch.  The waitresses are all super friendly, and make you feel at home.  Yummy salsa on my custom omlette.   View Larger Map
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By Stephanie Frymyer, Realtor ABR, SRES, SFR, Whittier
(Brick & Co. Real Estate, Inc.)
Well, this was the first time I attended a City Council Meeting, and I must say, I loved it! It was extremely interesting and I really enjoyed listening to all the residents that had come up to voice their concerns and/or opinions. The house was packed! The reason for the popularity of this particular meeting? The requested permit for the Whittier Wednesday Market! Whittier City Council with Mayor Greg Nordbak in the center  The meeting started off with the Pledge of Allegiance presented by the Whittier girl scouts, followed by the Council recognizing two Whittier families who had a loved one deployed to Iraq and safely returned (the Llamas family and the Longstreth/Aguilar family). The Llamas Family with Mayor Greg Nordbak and Mayor Por Tem, Cathy Warner  The Military families were fol...
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By Mark Velasco, Top Producing Broker Associate
(West Shores Realty)
101 Tips to Sell Your Home for Top Dollar (Part 1 of 11) Imagine that we are auctioning off a $20 dollar bill -Would we ever start the bidding at $25, $30, or even $40? -Would anyone ever show up? -Would anyone even place a bid? -How would you find your starting price?   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   You may think that these starting prices are ridiculous. Yet, many people do the same for setting their own home's value. Not you (of course), but maybe a "friend" that you might know of?   Your home's maximum worth is what it is regardless of how new or crisp your $20 may be. The MOST that it will ever  be worth is $20. If someone pays more than $20, say $25, the appraiser will only approve a value of $20 (there are ways to get...
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
  Every Friday night, until October 29, you can go down to Ruby's Diner at the Whittwood Town Center and check out the unique hot rods on display by the American Streetrodders.  Ruby's Diner is located at 10109 Whittwood Lane, just opposite the parking lot from the west side of Sears. Cars will be there starting at 5:00 p.m. until dusk.
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By Renee Baccaro
(About to join TNG La Habra Brokers)
Dear Friends, Learn how to take advantage of the new home buyer tax credit, discover easy ways to prevent cancer, and find out how to build a hacker-proof password. , Best Regards, Renee Baccaro Realtor license 01718366 Link: Http://  
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By Stephanie Frymyer, Realtor ABR, SRES, SFR, Whittier
(Brick & Co. Real Estate, Inc.)
Live in Whittier, are interested in Whittier Real Estate or are thinking about relocating to Whittier? Ever wonder how many Short Sales and Bank Owned Properties make up the properties that are currently listed for Sale? You've come to right place, we've got the answers for you! The numbers below reflect a snapshot of Whittier Real Estate on April 21, 2010. Currently, there are a total of 352 active home listings for Whittier - out of those, 55% are Regular Sales, 35% are Short Sales, and only 10% are REOs. Note: Snapshot of Whittier Active Listings for April 21, 2010. Based on listings provided by SoCal MLS. Taking a closer look at these numbers, the most significant amount of Short Sales and REOs can be found in the $0 to $400,000 price range: Price Range $0 to $200,000: Regular 1 Sho...
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
There are two libraries in Whittier.  The Central Library is Uptown Whittier.  The Whittwood Branch is located on Santa Gertrudes in the Whittwood Neighborhood.  Of course, you don't have to read the book at the library; you can use your library card to check it out.  Take it home and read it over a couple of weeks.  Those of you who have been following me know that I have a special place in my heart for the Whittwood area, because of my Memories of My Childhood Home in Whittwood.  However, despite all of the construction that is taking place around the Central Library, I prefer going there at this time.  Sometimes I will go to the library when I simply want a quiet place to read.  The chairs around the newspapers and magazines are still fairly comfortable, and you can sit there for hou...
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By Stephanie Frymyer, Realtor ABR, SRES, SFR, Whittier
(Brick & Co. Real Estate, Inc.)
If you are a Whittier Resident, interested in Whittier Real Estate or are thinking about relocating to the City of Whittier, this is the perfect blog for you. In order to make wise decisions, you have to know what is going on in the market and we will be giving you the latest news regarding Whittier Real Estate (other city updates also available upon request) on an ongoing basis. Whittier is a wonderful city with a long history (please go to,_California#History or visit for even more details), named after famed Quaker poet John Greenleaf Whittier. Whittier is located approximately 12 miles southeast of Los Angeles, and has a population of approximately 84,000 (based on the census of 2000, let's see what the new census ...
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
Day 8 of 365 Things to do in Whittier, CA: Enjoy the Rose Garden at Rose Hills Memorial Park In addition to being the largest memorial park in the world, Rose Hills has one of the largest rose gardens in the world.  It is best to go there on a nice warm day, in the sunshine.       
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
Day 7 of 365 Things to do in Whittier, CA:  Enter Your Dog in the Vintage Dog Costume Contest for the Uptown Whittier Spring Antique Street Faire Download the application to enter your dog in the Best Dressed Vintage Dog Costume Competition, to be held at the Uptown Whittier Spring Antique Street Faire.  But, the dog costume competition isn't the only thing happening in:Uptown Whittier Saturday, April 24, 20109 a.m. - 4 p.m. The 15th Annual Uptown Whittier Antique Street Faire will also have Food Entertainment Antique Seminars Appraisals on your items Folk Dancers Vintage Clothing Antique Furniture Vintage Art So, make sure you get your application in so your dog can win! Competition for the Best Dressed Vintage Dog starts at 1:00.
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
The Whittier Museum is on the corner of Philadelphia and Newlin, in Uptown Whittier.   This video tells you what you need to know about the new ad campaign for the Whittier Museum.   Check it out! You can learn more at the Whittier Museum. The Whittier Museum is located at 6755 Newlin Avenue, Whittier, California   90601.  
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By Bob Willis, Orange County & L.A. County Senior Home Advisor
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
Have you been watching the television show "Who do you think you are?"  In this program, famous people are introduced to genealogy and how to trace their roots. Unlike the TV program, you won't find your connections back through several generations in an hour.  It will take a lot of research for you to discover your roots.  That's where WAGS (Whittier Area Genealogical Society) comes in. Anyone can attend the WAGS meetings and learn about the art of tracing one's ancestors. WAGS holds monthly meetings at the Masonic Temple, one Saturday a month.  The next meeting will be April 17, 2010, at 1:00.  Often, there will be beginner's classes in the morning, before lunch.  There is also an annual, day-long genealogy seminar.  However, the 2010 seminar has already taken place, so you'll have to...
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