San Marcos, California --Coming Soon Affordable Housing.
By Lorraine or Loretta Kratz, Certified Negotiation Consultants
(Crescent Moon Realty, Inc. & Land N Sea Auctions.)
It may have been on your New Years resolution list to find affordable housing in San Marcos, California and if it was --guess what it is coming. The name of the project is Westlake Village--106 affordable housing units developed by National Community Renaissance. $38 million with $17 million from redevelopment: groundbreaking took place on the first phase last Thursday, projects in the pipeline cover the city needs for the next five or six year. San Marcos, California is facing like most communities a lack of funding --- and once the project that are slated to be completed have used the redevelopment resources it is any ones guess where the next pile of money will be coming from to assist in San Marcos redevelopment. ------------------------------------------------------------------...