April Is Earthquake Preparedness Month In California. Are You Ready?
By John DL Arendsen, Crest Backyard Homes "ADU" dealer & RE Developer
(CREST "BACKYARD' HOMES, ON THE LEVEL General & Manufactured Home Contractor, TAG Real Estate Sales & Investments)
April Is Earthquake PreparednessMonth In California. Are You Ready? April Is the official month dedicated to "EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS" There are things you and I can and should do to help ourselves, our families and our neighbors. There are also things you need to know about that may not only help you minimize loss of life but also devastating losses to your home and property. “Displacement” Could You Be At Risk of Being Forced Out of Your Home After An “Earthquake”? Unlike wind, fire and flooding events that can and have wiped out entire communities “Earthquakes” can and usually do give you a second chance if proper and preventative measures are implemented. Next to loss of life and personal injury the biggest tragedy and challenge in the aftermath of any disaster is total...