Why I advocate for Susan G. Komen - My Super Hero of Breast Cancer
By Sally Dunbar, Fair Oaks Realtor - Fair Oaks Homes for Sale
(Lyon Real Estate, Fair Oaks CA (Sacramento Area))
I am a breast cancer warrior. I am also a Political Bozo. Which makes it a bit ironic that I was invited to travel to Washington DC last week to advocate to Congress for breast cancer. Truth be told, I had to look up who my house representatives are. How do you address them? And I'm still unclear if DC is actually a state! Yeah... a political Bozo - first class.How did this happen? I am a breast cancer survivor - 14 years. 5 years ago I set a bold goal of raising $100K for Susan G Komen. The Komen Foundation is my super hero for the men and women in the breast cancer community, and those who have not yet received their invitation to join it by way of a diagnosis. Did you know Komen is the largest contributor in the WORLD to breast cancer issues next to the US government? They a...