
Sacramento, CA Real Estate News

By Gena Riede, Real Estate Broker - Sacramento CA Real Estate (916) 417-2699
(Riede Real Estate, Lic. 01310792)
Happy Sacramento Home Buyers are buying homes and condos. How can anyone not smile when seeing such happy home buyer smiles? The home buyers I am working with right now are looking for homes in Elk Grove, CA.  Both couples are looking for completely different homes and very anxious to find just the right house. We are in the real estate process of finding just the right home that meets their mortgage loan qualifications. Of course, if you are interested in knowing what Elk Grove Ca homes are for sale be sure to check out each of the zip codes, 95624, 95758 and 95757.  There is a lot of real estate in Elk Grove to chose from. Click on Elk Groves MLS to view homes for sale in Elk Grove, CA. This weekend my Sacramento home buyers found a house, wrote an offer and was accepted in Cameron Pa...
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By Sara Raudelunas
(Lyon Real Estate)
Having considered myself quite tech savvy, this is a whole new world that I cannot wait to explore. Once I have a good grip on how this works and how to utilize it to the best of my ability, I plan to have it be a great resource for my past, current and future clients!  If you have any suggestions, I welcome them...otherwise, hang tight and check back for more information at a later date. Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful ladies! Sara Raudelunas, Lyon Real Estate
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
They (that ubiquitous they) say that regardless of what Freud says, the only person who can truly interpret your dreams is you. And like most people, I have some doozies. Last night I went to Dublin and ended up at Bono's apartment by mistake. I walked in and wandered around, admiring the scattering of diamonds and emeralds about the apartment. Because that's exactly how Bono would decorate, right? Peeking into the living room, I spied Bono and The Edge, sitting on the sofa, thumbing through a travel magazine. They were quite startled to see a stranger standing there, gawking. I felt I needed to come up with a plausible story as to why I was standing in Bono's living room uninvited. So, I said, "I've come to talk to you about buying a home in East Sacramento." Because Bono loves to talk...
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By Robert Machado, CPM MPM - Property Manager and Property Management
(HomePointe Property Management, CRMC)
Rental Housing Association Property Management Professionals Only and Must Be Pre Registered to Attend                If you own or manage rental property in the City of Sacramento and haven't registered for the Issue Briefing to hear about the new rental inspection program, don't delay. RHA has only a limited number of seats available for this FREE event.Exclusively for property management executives, RHA will host a panel to discuss the new rental inspection ordinance adopted y the Sacramento City Council. Sacramento City Code Enforcement Director Max Fernandez and Code Enforcement Manager Randy Stratton will discuss the new program, answer questions from attendees and provide written materials on the program.   Sponsored by RealPage, this event will address key issues such as: what p...
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By Tim Collom
(Windermere Dunnigan)
Location is still the most important aspect of buying a home in any community.Take the older established neighborhoods for example. These neighborhoods have weathered numerous real estate cycles, at least 5 of them in the last 6 decades. The older established neighborhoods are performing just fine while the new construction continues to struggle. Partly due to proximity to the downtown Sacramento area.Newer developments continue to form 30- 45 minutes away which astonishes me that people continue to commute to a home that may offer more square footage, but lacks the charm and quaintness of an older neighborhood. Add gas prices, loans are harder to acquire, and lastly economic uncertainty. Put all of this together and you have a perfect storm of fear. Fear causes hesitation and hesitatio...
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
This is a masterpiece. A work of art refined by inspirations from Europe. The owner remodeled this home to perfection, and the craftsmanship has exceeded even my expectations. The raised flagstone walkway welcomes you to the newly designed front porch, also comprised of flagstone. Brick pillars bring a Craftsman style to the entry, accented by the natural wood-shingled siding above the porch. Walk into the living room, and admire the newly refinished wood floors, complemented by a deeply-rich stained border surrounding the passageways. Newly opened archways create a flow of conversation between the living room and kitchen. All new stainless appliances in the kitchen: new gas range, hood, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, and in case you need more, the recently purchased washer and dr...
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
Sunday was crazy. First, I met early with two new first-time home buyers. We talked about their needs and wants, and I counseled them to draw out how I can best help them. I truly love working with first-time home buyers. Lots of agents don't. They don't feel there is enough money in it for them and way too much work, but money is not my motivating factor in this business. Otherwise, I would have retired years ago. I do it because I love it. Money is a result, not the driving factor and, quite frankly, I make too much damn money. How many agents can say that?I earn enough to annually make Master's Club at the Board of Realtors and achieve sufficient status points at my company to win recognition for the top whatever and still keep my parking pass. If it takes 20 deals of higher priced h...
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By Erin Stumpf (Attardi), 916-342-1372 / DRE# 01706589 Sacramento, CA
(Coldwell Banker)
The NeighborhoodWorks HomeOwnership Center of the Sacramento Region is putting on several foreclosure prevention workshops. Classes will be held at their offices at 2400 Alhambra Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95817. To register for a free class, click here. April 24, 2008 6:00pm-8:00pmMay 1, 2008 11:30am-1:30pmMay 8, 2008 6:00pm-8:00pmMay 15, 2008 11:30am-1:30pmMay 22, 2008 6:00pm-8:00pmMay 29, 2008 11:30am-1:30pmJune 5, 2008 6:00pm-8:00pmJune 12, 2008 11:30am-1:30pmJune 19, 2008 6:00pm-8:00pmJune 26, 2008 11:30am-1:30pm
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By Rob McQuade, Sacramento CA Real Estate
(Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate)
"Sales at the Sutter Brownstones moving briskly"by Rob McQuade, ABR, Sacramento REALTOR®Midtown Sacramento Real Estate A month ago I announced that LoftWorks had released pricing for the Sutter Brownstones. Slow real estate market? In the month since that announcement more than half a dozen of the 28 East Coast-style brownstone units are in contract, and among those reported to be buying are city manager Ray Kerridge who came to us from a stint putting Portland on the map as a hot urban hub. Now selected units at the Sutter Brownstones are available online. For anyone on the fence, I think these units offer just about the best combination of price, location, design, and amenities. In fact, the only complaint I've had from clients is the size of the garages and the fact that the HOA's lo...
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By Paul Bozek, Your trusted mortgage lender!
(American Financial Network)
As a direct lender and doing 100% of my business FHA, I would like to extend free information to anyone interested in reference to FHA.  I know there are plenty of agents out there looking for good contacts.  Please feel free to email/call me with any questions you might have.  My specialty is subprime FHA and 75% of my business is purchases.  I look forward to hearing from anyone interested! 
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. But it happened in 1967. When the news reported that Nancy Reagan declared the Governor's Mansion a "fire trap" and that she refused to live there, tongues lashed out, calling her a snob. Why, the Governor's Mansion, built in 1877 and purchased by the State in 1903, was good enough for 12 California governors, and many critics viewed Mrs. Reagan's snub as elitist. Ronald and Nancy Reagan moved into a $1,200 a month rental in East Sacramento, located at 1341 45th Street, in an exclusive area called the Fabulous 40s. Many newspapers of that era called the neighborhood a "suburb" of downtown Sacramento, although it's located a couple dozen blocks away from the Governor's Mansion. This is a photo of that home in East Sacramento. The Reagans lived in ...
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By John Hayes, Folsom,El Dorado Hills, Shingle Springs, CP
(RE/MAX Gold Folsom)
Why should I buy, instead of rent? Answer: A home is an investment. When you rent, you write your monthly check and that money is gone forever. But when you own your home, you can deduct the cost of your mortgage loan interest from your federal income taxes, and usually from your state taxes. This will save you a lot each year, because the interest you pay will make up most of your monthly payment for most of the years of your mortgage. You can also deduct the property taxes you pay as a homeowner. In addition, the value of your home may go up over the years. Finally, you'll enjoy having something that's all yours - a home where your own personal style will tell the world who you are. What are "HUD homes," and are they a good deal? Answer: HUD homes can be a very good deal. When someone...
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By John Hayes, Folsom,El Dorado Hills, Shingle Springs, CP
(RE/MAX Gold Folsom)
I do not understand, the NEWS told me not to buy a home!!!! 1.."We have been out looking at homes and putting in offers and we are running into multiple offers". 2.."My agent told me to put in a higher-than-asking-price offer.  I looked at him and said, "are you "CRAZY"!" 3.."The news told me to ask for a lower price". 4.."After the 5th home we put in an offer of below or asking price, we still do not have a home". 5.."Maybe I should listen to my Realtor, NOT the NEWS".  6.."We now have put in offers that are over asking price offers and still no home".  7.."Maybe we should have bought a home 8 months ago like our agent told us". 8.."We must act fast now....we do not have time to wait".  9.."In Sacramento $300,000 and under is moving FAST". 10.."Remember, there is more to buying a home ...
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By Paula Swayne, Realtor-Land Park, East Sac & Curtis Park -Dunniga
(Dunnigan, Realtors, Sacramento (916) 425-9715)
For those of us who enjoy all of the delights Taylors Market has to offer, this is exciting news!  They have been the best at making us look like we are the next Emile...great food ready to cook at home!  Now they are going one step further opening a private dining room that can serve six to sixty!  To add to the good news, this will also allow them to expand their prepared take-home food! Life just doesn't get much better! Thanks Danny! 
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 If you don't already know, Kevin Johson former Sacramento Kings and NBA Player is running against incumbant Heather Fargo for mayor of Sacramento.Kevin who grew up in the same neighborhood I did, has done a wonderful job revitalizing the Oak Park area and I'm sure would do an even better job revitalizing the downtown area which badly needs to be restored.Heather Fargo has done close to nothing in her tenure as mayor. With Sacramento being the capital of California there has been no real effort to try to bring it into the 21st Century, Kevin Johnson would accomplish this.Its time for change and even though I will not be able to vote for him in ( I don't live in the city) I believe everything that affects the city of Sacrameto, affects the outlaying areas of the as well.Read more about K...
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By Paula Swayne, Realtor-Land Park, East Sac & Curtis Park -Dunniga
(Dunnigan, Realtors, Sacramento (916) 425-9715)
The proposal for a bridge connecting West Sacramento with the City of Sacramento has been approved by SACOG (changing the term to "river crossing" to take away some of the political impact).  It is estimated that 45,000 cars would use the bridge daily.  The justification for putting it at Broadway is this corridor is all commercial and the bride would bring more business to the Tower District.  It is an observation that Broadway is surrounded by residential areas and this would have a high impact on the quality of life. The City of Sacramento has the final say regarding this. Mayor Fargo voted in favor of the Metropolitain Transportation Plan but expressed reservations regarding the Broadway Bridge.  What are the opinions of my colleages?
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By Erin Stumpf (Attardi), 916-342-1372 / DRE# 01706589 Sacramento, CA
(Coldwell Banker)
I recently have gotten involved with the Sacramento Association of Realtors' "Young Professionals Council." Pretty cool organization. There are some sharp, young Realtors and affiliates out there that I have gotten the opportunity to meet via the YPC. FYI, SAR defines "young" as under 40, and affiliates are non-Realtor members, like someone who works for a Title Company. Recently, several of us took time out to volunteer at Loaves & Fishes. We are also going to attempt to raise money for the Mustard Seed school by doing some fundraising events this year. Good stuff.   
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By Gena Riede, Real Estate Broker - Sacramento CA Real Estate (916) 417-2699
(Riede Real Estate, Lic. 01310792)
It seems that Sunday night SOMEONE hacked into the database server of the Real Estate Tomato and hand picked  several Tomato blogger blog sites. This hacker apparently knew what they were doing and selectively chose who they wanted to delete. The boys over at Tomato have been working through the night since our blog sites have been down since the wee hours of the morning on Monday. This is a tedious procedure but certainly needed in order to follow the trail of the perpetrator in determining the IP address. Since some logs are over 600 megabytes, you can imagine how tedious this daunting task has been. Tomato will be seeking legal solutions and prosecution of the perpetrator and inform each of us that have been effected of who this individual was. This directly effects our Real Estate ...
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By Gena Riede, Real Estate Broker - Sacramento CA Real Estate (916) 417-2699
(Riede Real Estate, Lic. 01310792)
Being Green use to mean that you were a tree hugger but now, it’s “in” to be green. California leads the country in our sustainable green efforts.This month is Earth Day/Month and many of the Sacramento neighborhoods will be celebrating by helping to educate all of us on what it means to be “GREEN.” New homes built with the “green” concept are here. Home buyers today are willing to pay extra for an energy efficient house since they understand the ultimate savings. If you as a seller, are having difficulty selling your house, you might want to make a few improvements that would have a direct cost reduction to energy bills and let all home buyers know what your utility bills actually are. Here are just a few small things you, as a seller can do to help make your home green: Fix those plum...
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By Richard Kitowski
(Lyon Real Estate)
Here in Sacramento we are in the midst of a competitive mayoral race between the incumbent, Heather Fargo and the main challenger, Kevin Johnson.  Kevin Johnson became a candidate days before the deadline for filing to enter the race.  Until then Heather Fargo was going to be unopposed by any well known challengers. How do politics and real estate relate?  I feel that for real estate to prosper in any community/city that municipality has to have a clear defined direction for now and for the future years.  The mayor of our city should be one of the visible people who speak of city goals, visions and directions.  Sacramento is a growing vibrant city and is on the threshold of very exciting growth in a positive way.  The downtown area is prospering, except for a critical couple of blocks, ...
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