Palos Verdes Home Sales Silver Spur Neighborhood 2013 Palos Verdes homes sales for the Silver Spur neighborhood in 2013 decreased slightly to 56 single family homes sold in 2013 from 58 in 2012. Price per square foot for Silver Spur houses that sold in 2013 increased to $532 from $476 in 2012, a 11.7% increase. Average sales price for Silver Spur homes sold in 2013 increased to $967,141 in 2013 compared to $856,384 in 2012. The most expensive Palos Verdes home sale in the Silver Spur neighborhood was $2,400,000 and the lowest priced Palos Verdes home sale in the Silver Spur neighborhood was $690,000. Currently, the Silver Spur Center neighborhood has 10 Palos Verdes homes for sale. There are 10 single family homes for sale ranging in price from $918,000 for a 3 bedroom/2 bath, 1,662...
2011 Palos Verdes homes sales for the Silver Spur neighborhood increased to 42 single family homes sold compared to 33 in 2010 – a 27% increase. Price per square foot for Silver Spur homes that sold in 2011 was $433 compared to $493 in 2010. Average sales price for Silver Spur homes sold in 2011 was $837,146 compared to $956,856. Currently, there are 9 single family Palos Verdes homes for sale in this area. They range from $774,900 for a 3 bedroom/2bath, 1,442 square foot residence To read more about Palos Verdes homes, click here... Photo of Grandview Park courtesy of the City of Rancho
Our Neighborhood Spotlight Video is a sneak peek into the Rolling Hills Estates Bristol Farms Store Renovation. They even have a new sign! The store has been involved in a major renovation for the past couple of months. It is a tip to bottom renovation with new finishes, fixtures and most importantly a new layout nearing completion. No longer feeling like a maze. I must say this store is a favorite of mine because I can always count on quality, specialty merchandise, in a small package. The other day while buying some groceries and assessing the changes, I ran into a woman looking dazed and concerned. She said "this doesn't look like Bristol Farms anymore". Not everyone embraces change well. I see only positive, there seems to be much more merchandise with higher shelving and efficient...
After making a strong comeback in the average price per sq. ft. of homes sold in Rolling Hills Estates during the spring, the most recent quarter showed an approx. 6% drop from the comparable quarter a year ago. Because of the relatively small number of monthly sales, the average monthly price per sq. ft. for this city is highly dependent on the type of homes sold during the month. Curnt vs. Prev Month Curnt vs. Same Month 1 Yr Ago Curnt vs. Same Qtr 1 Yr Ago Nov. 11 Oct. 11 % Change Nov. 11 Nov. 10 % Change Sep. 11 to Nov. 11 Sep. 10 to Nov. 10 % Change Avg. Sq. Ft. Price 413 407 1.5% 413 404 2.1% 407 432 -5.9% The number of properties on the market in Rolling Hills Estates decreased substantially in November, but this is normal for the holiday season and is com...
The City of Rolling Hills Estates will hold it's annual Peninsula Holiday Parade tomorrow Saturday 12/4 on Silver Spur Road. Peninsula Holiday Parade of Lights Date: 12/4/2010 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Cost: Free Location: Peninsula Center Commercial DistrictSilver Spur RoadRolling Hills Estates California 90274 The 12th annual holiday parade will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., as illuminated floats and festive participants make their way through Peninsula Center along Silver Spur Road, Deep Valley Drive and Norris Center Drive (formerly known as Crossfield Drive). Serving as this year's Grand Marshal is Major League Baseball Hall of Famer and former Los Angeles Dodger great, Maury Wills.
Last 2 New Silver Spur Court Condos available for purchase The Silver Spur Court condo project consists of 18 brand new Courtyard condos and two level townhomes, located at the corner of Silver Spur and Crenshaw Blvd. in Rolling Hills Estates, ranging in size from 1,700 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. with prices originally set by the developer ranging from $930,000 to $1.7 million. All 18 units were "sold" at Auction on July 17th, 2010 at significant discounts. As of 12/1/2010, however, two of the units became available for sale. These units have been included in advertisements for 3 other condo projects to be sold in a sealed bid process on 12/20/2010, however the listing agent for the property says that they will not be included in the sealed bid sale. Althou...
Rolling Hills Estates, CA Real Estate Professionals