Would You Consider Rancho Cordova If These Improvements Were Made?
By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage www.tromlerconstruction.com Mobile - 916-765-5366)
The competition for apartment rentals is getting stiff in many areas of Rancho Cordova and the surrounding communities. Apartment vacancies are high and the management is scrambling to find an answer to this problem. The first knee-jerk reaction is to lower the rents, offer free rent for a month or some other give away item. This may work for a while but the savvy managers are trying new “added value” solutions. Many of the apartment communities in Rancho Cordova are in this high vacancy are older than and not as modern as the new communities in the neighborhood. There are many things that management can do that will help draw new tenants to move in. Many of these we may take for granted, but you may be surprised how often these items are not included in the apartment.Here are a few e...