Remax Palos Verdes best real estate market statistics for Palos Verdes, Rancho Palos Verdes,Rolling Hills and Palos Verdes Estate
By Mary Thomas BH,MB,HB, PV, Estates LA+, Mary C. Thomas Your Agent around the Globe
( Remax Estates Properties)
Did you know that Remax Palos Verdes sells or participated in the most sales on the Palos Verdes Peninsula? Remax Palos Verdes has the best and most accurate real estate market charts,graphs and trends for the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Satistics show that Remax Palos Verdes has sold or participated in the sale ( Buyer) in 1 out of every 2 properties in Palos Verdes Area for the 2006 and 2007 real estate years and years prior. So you knowq their market statistics are accurate.Remax has an excellent source for analyzing the Palos Verdes Market. We are now able to supply real estate market charts,graphs and trends for every city and area on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. We can now tailor market prices per selling price per feet, asking price per square feet etc. We can give you selling c...