What's your creative storage solution?
By Elisa Uribe Realtor #01427070, Opening the Doors to California Homes -East Bay
(Golden Gate Sotheby's International)
What's your creative storage solution? Wine bags aren't just for wine bags these days. House remodels mean you tend accumulate caulk for the shower, caulk for the baseboard caulking, for the sink, etc..... who would have thought that a wine bag makes the perfect holder for all your caulking needs.So now that I shared mine, please share yours. How do you reuse or upcycle?One of my favorite local places to shop when Im looking for a creative solution is Creative Reuse on Telegraph Ave in Oakland, Ca. It's a great place for teachers and artists alike. The bay area continues to be a popular place to call home.If you are ready to search for your next property, or are looking for your home value, visit: www.searchalleastbayhomes.comClick here for the monthly market reports!