Stockton Short Sale: Sick Of Your Loan Mod Taking Forever? Why Not Contact Congress?
By Ron Cedillo, Helping People and Enjoying Life
(Home Buyers Realty)
Stockton CA – We recently send everyone in congress a fax about a certain large bank. They had done a lousy job on a short sale file. We waited 90 days for an answer on an offer. Get my Free, Step By Step Loan Modification Guide by clicking here. The buyer got impatient and walked. Fortunately we had a backup buyer. Instead of using the BPO that Freddie Mac paid for and reviewing the new offer, the negotiator closed the file. Freddie Mac, the owner of the loan, stands to lose $75 spent on the BPO and 90 days worth of interest. We estimate Freddie's loss over the delay to be around $1,249. Rather than just sit here and take abuse, we decided to stand up for ourselves. We found the entire list of fax numbers for congress, typed up a fax, and sent it out. If you loan mod is taking too lon...