Kent Arborist Tree Removal & Stump Grinding - Granite Bay & Loomis, CA
By Bob & Leilani Souza, Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments
(Souza Realty 916.408.5500)
KENT Arborist Tree Removal & Stump Grinding - Granite Bay & Loomis, CA If you live in Granite Bay, CA or Loomis, CA and you need tree trimming service or tree removal & stump grinding, KENT Arborist Services is here in town to serve you. John Kent is a certified arborist from Davis, CA and he is currently running a 30% off special right now for residents of Granite Bay and Loomis. Call John at 916-868-8509 for a free consultation and to take advantage of the 30% discount while the KENT Arborist Services crew is in Granite Bay and Loomis! KENT Arborist Services - John Kent - (916)868-8509 KENT Arborist Services - Cottonwood Tree Removal KENT Arborist Services - Cottonwood Tree Removal KENT Arborist Services - Certified Arborist John Kent at work KENT Arborist Services - Bandit Model 90 W...