
Glendora, CA Real Estate News

By Michelle Minch, Home Staging Los Angeles and Orange County, CA
(Moving Mountains Design Home Staging, Pasadena, CA)
This past week we were hired to stage a very nice Glendora townhome that was seriously in need of some Los Angeles home stager love. I was contacted by the homeowner who had read a recently published newspaper profile about me in the Pasadena Star News. Click here to read Pasadena Home Stager Gets Results Another condo in her same development had gone on the market just before hers, was priced $1,000 more and was already in escrow. Her condo was vacant, the other was occupied and fully furnished, although it didn't appear to be professionally staged based on photos I saw on-line. The listing agents were not able to come by when I finished staging so I didn't get their reaction until yesterday. Here's what Linda wrote: Wes showed the condo today  and thought he was the wrong place. He co...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
Home owners looking for some tax relief may find just that if they were victims of the recent Station Fire & Palos Verdes Peninsula Fire. According to the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office damage must be more than $10,000 from the recent fires. Homeowners should submit an Application For Reassessment Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity. The damage must have taken place in 12 months of the occurance of the damage. According to information gleamed from the Los Angeles County Assessor's website, Homeowners who qualify will receive a corrected tax bill or refund. Adjustments and prorations of taxes will be based on loss of value from the date of damage to the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2010 or until the structure is repaired.   For more information regarding the...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
It's that time again for Glendora's Concert in the Park Series, sponsored by Glendora Kiwanis. Concert in  the Park is a great way to relax with the family and take trip back in time to hear your favorite music like Classic Rock, Soul and Motown, or maybe the sounds of Big Band music. Whatever your favorites may be Glendora's Concert in the Park will certainly deliver!   Sunday, July 12 - The Answer - Classic Rock Sunday, July 19 - Stone Soul -Classic Soul and Motown Sunday, July 26 - Disco Diva - 70's Dance Music Sunday, August 2 - Elvis Sunday, August 9 - The Wiseguys - Big Band Sunday, August 16 - All American Wranglers - Country Sunday, August 23 - Cold Duck - Classic Rock Location: Finkbiner Park at the Bandshell, 160 N. Wabash Ave, Glendora,  91741.     Cost: FREE Sponsored by: Gl...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
Did you know there are over 5,000 homes for sale in the local market with most of them being Bank Owned or Short Sale properties? What this means to potential buyer's is NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOME! Learn about the benefits of home ownership versus renting, how to qualify for a home mortgage, and how to pay down debt to help qualify for community assistance programs. Instructor(s): Matthew Bartlett Site: Grand Ave. Plaza, 140 S. Grand Ave., Ste. #H, Glendora (Located across from Foothill Pres. Hospital) Fee: $5.00 (Seating is limited so please make sure to rsvp. First TWO to rsvp will be FREE.) Date/Time: Monday, June 22, 2009 6:00pm - 8:00pm Email your RSVP to or call Matthew at (626)610-1179 
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
                                                Are you in debt? This class will teach you how to break the conventional banking rules and make your money work best for you by using the fundamental principals that will give you the tools to eliminate your debt. Instructor(s): Matthew Bartlett Site: Grand Ave. Plaza, 140 S. Grand Ave., Ste. #H, Glendora (Located across from Foothill Pres. Hospital) Fee: $5.00 (Seating is limited so please make sure to rsvp. First TWO to rsvp will be FREE.) Date/Time: Monday June 15, 2009 6:00pm - 8:00pm               Email your RSVP to or call Matthew at (626)610-1179  
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
                                                 Did you know there are over 8,000 homes for sale in the local market? What this means to potential buyer's is NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOME! Learn about the benefits of home ownership versus renting, how to qualify for a home mortgage, and how to pay down debt to help qualify for community assistance programs. Instructor(s): Matthew Bartlett Site: Grand Ave. Plaza, 140 S. Grand Ave., Ste. #H, Glendora (Located across from Foothill Pres. Hospital) Fee: $5.00 (Seating is limited so please make sure to rsvp.   First TWO to rsvp will be FREE.) Date/Time: Monday, June 22, 2009 6:00pm - 8:00pm Register by phone, or email: Office Direct (626)610-1179 Email: Website:            ...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
                                                                                                                                            Are you in debt? This class will teach you how to easily break the conventional banking rules and make your money work best for you by using the fundamental principals that will give you the tools to eliminate your debt. Instructor(s): Matthew Bartlett Site: Grand Ave. Plaza, 140 S. Grand Ave., Ste. #H, Glendora (Located across from Foothill Pres. Hospital) Fee: $5.00 (Seating is limited so please make sure to rsvp. First TWO to rsvp will be FREE.) Date/Time: Monday June 15, 2009 6:00pm - 8:00pm Register by phone or email: Office Direct: (626)610-1179 Email: Website:              ...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
This will be the 1st Bi-monthly Mixer for the Los Angeles Professional Network...and IT'S FREE! Many of Los Angeles business leaders have been invited so bring plenty of business cards, postcards, and brochures to share! WHEN Friday April 3, 2009 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm WHERE: The O Hotel             819 S. Flower St. (between 8th and 9th Streets)             Los Angeles PUBLIC PARKING: Next door w/validation $4.00    
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
By Matthew Bartlett Congratulations must go out to all of the Teachers, Administrators, and most importantly the Students who have worked very hard year in and year out within the Glendora Unified School District! The State Superintendent of Public Instruction recently released California's 2007-2008 Accountability Progress Report (APR) which provides results from the State accountability system-the Academic Performance Index (API) as well as the Federal accountability system-Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Once again Glendora Unified posted outstanding results garnering a district wide score of 839 on the California State Academic Performance Index (API). This was an increase of eleven points over the prior year. Infact the district has improved their score each of the last four years....
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
  Home Loan Modification Tips By Matthew Bartlett   In the current market many homeowners are considering a home loan modification. However, to modify your current home loan certain criteria must be met.   1. You must document all of your current income and savings information. Making too much or too little income may disqualify you for a loan modification. 2. You must have no equity in your home or be upside-down (owe more than home is worth) for your lender to be willing to work with you. Beware of the lender who says they are unable to work with you unless you are in default. This does not give you justification to stop making your trust deed payment. The truth is few homeowners are being helped who are in default.    Anyone that claims they are a loan modification specialist, be car...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
Great Affirmations By Matthew Bartlett   This is going to be an awesome day! I have a great life! I have beautiful family! I'm a great salesperson! I'm going to be unstopable today! I only attract great things! No one will stop me! I will set the listing appointment! I have control in the listing presentation! The client will sign the contract! I'm not attached to the outcome! I feel awesome today! I love to prospect! 2009 will be my best year ever! Affirmations are the best way to pump yourself up each and everyday. Be sure to put your affirmations in writing and keep them in front of you. Repeat them to yourself at least THREE times a day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once before you go to sleep at night, and whenever you find  yourself getting down. And most import...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
Meet other local people facing financial crisis in this challenging market. This is a great environment for support, info, guidance, and help in designing a plan to create a future where you can be debt free and financially independent. This group will put you in direct contact with Financial Professionals and Real Estate Professionals to network and discuss creative strategies to bring a solution to your financial questions! If you are currently facing a financial crisis, then this is a great group to share your questions. Ask the group for their opinions and suggestions on how to design your financial plan. If you are not in financial crisis but are interested to learn more about financial independence, then this group definitely will show you real-life stories and experiences.  Every...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
                                      What You Don't Know About Your Home Mortgage Could Shock You! By Matthew Bartlett Have you ever taken a moment to think about what type of mortgage you have on your home? Is it a traditional 30-year fixed loan, or is it a 30-day pre-computed loan, or do you have a Daily Average Unpaid Balance loan? Many things in our financial lives are uncertain - inflation, energy prices, and the costs of living to name a few. However, with a fixed rate mortgage, homeowners have the security of knowing that their interest rate will never go up over the term of the loan. The guesswork & uncertainty of understanding your home loan has been removed. During the home buying and refinancing boom a few years ago, adjustible rate mortgages (ARM's), interest only loans and...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
Debt Freedom Class                                                 Are you in debt? This class will teach you how to easily break the conventional banking rules and make your money work best for you by using the fundamental principals that will give you the tools to eliminate your debt. Instructor(s): Matthew Bartlett Site: Grand Ave. Plaza, 140 S. Grand Ave., Ste. #H, Glendora (Located across from Foothill Pres. Hospital) Fee: FREE (seating is limited so please make sure to rsvp) Date/Time: Monday Jan 19, 2009 6:00pm - 8:00pm                 Register by phone, fax, or email. See contact information below   Matthew A. Bartlett, (626)221-8252 - Cell, (626)335-4459 - Fax, 
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
By Matthew Bartlett I am on fire after learning this afternoon what our lawmakers in the state of California are up to. I am fed up with these representatives who have been voted into office by the citizens of this State, and yet once in office decide that they can do anything they want at the expense of the hard working citizens in this state. These same politicians have run this State into the ground year in and year out and yet their only solution for our problems is to RAISE TAXES! The two politicians that I speak of are Democrat California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, and Democrat Senate President Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg. These two along with all other State Democrats  are attemting under a blatant lie to push thru an $18 billion dollar budget package that amounts to nothing more...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
  By Matthew Bartlett It's that time of year again. My favorite time of the year in fact. When the Christmas decorations go up and my children begin to lose their minds in anticipation of Santa Claus coming to town. My son, Connor, wants everything that he lays his eyes on. And he never misses an opportunity to peruse the newest catalog and point out that he would like to place an order for EVERYTHING! But December is also when the City of Glendora has their annual Hometown Christmas Parade. Led by Glendora High School's award- winning Tartan Marching Band the parade will march through Downtown Glendora in the Village this Saturday December 13th at 9:00am. Featured in this year's parade will be Olympic Gold Medal-Winning decathlete Bryan Clay, Citizens of the Year Mike & Marcia Conway, ...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
By Matthew A. Bartlett   If you're are like many people, you're in the dark when it comes to your finances. You think that if you ignore them your debt and troubles will just go away. You pay your bills each month and do your best to prepare for the future. but the truth is, there is only so much money to go around and preparing for the future can be overwhelming. Infact did you know that 65% of americans say they need their paycheck to meet their living expenses. The issue thou is not a lack of money, but a lack of a program. Like the title of this piece says "Most People Do Not Plan To Fail They Simply Fail To Plan!" In the current market we are in the last thing you want to do is sit back and wait. You need to put your plan together in writing NOW! Waiting will only make things worse...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
By Matthew Bartlett Many home owners feel that the holidays are a bad time to list their home for sale. However home owners everywhere are missing out on a fantastic time to market their homes for sale. Here are some tips you might find helpfull in deciding your plan of action during this holiday season. 1. People who look for a home during the Holidays are more serious buyers! 2. Serious buyers have fewer homes to choose from during the Holidays & less competition means more money for you! 3. Since the supply of listings will dramatically increase in January, there will be less demand for your particular home! Less demand means less money for you! 4. Homes show better when decorated for the Holidays! 5. Buyers are more emotional during the Holidays, so they are more likely to pay your ...
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By Matthew Bartlett
(Corcoran Global Living - Hill Top Team DRE Lic. #01353034)
Take Control of Your Finances By Matthew Bartlett   Did you know that one of the biggest financial mistakes most people make is dependence? Dependence on others allows "outside" factors in people's lives to control them. Their jobs, the government & financial burdens like debt - these are the factors that control people's lives. Instead of feeling good about their finances, most people feel ill. The secret to financial security is learning to control the things you CAN control. You can't control taxes, but you can control ways to reduce your taxes. You can't control Social Security, but you can build funds for retirement. You can't control your employer, but you can develop alternate sources of income to eliminate your dependence. When you let others control your security, you're inviti...
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By Mike Albers
Partnership Realtors and service partners (Lender, Escrow Title etc.) working together Plan Creating a ACTION Plan based on a desired outsome (example - actually selling the house at the Open House) with activities. Promote Joint advertising / marketing and activities (networking etc.) Participate Working together as a team Provide Expertise, time, talent, and information The 5 P's together is a formula for success. Wishing you "The Best of Success"
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