Overcoming the Objections of Home Staging
By Sheron Cardin, ARTIST - A Home Stager/Sellers Best Friend!
(California Moods Inc)
Home Staging and Marketing come out of the same budget. Home sellers do not give marketing a second thought when they decide to sell their house unless it is an fsbo. A home seller's perception of marketing is the agent's job because that is what they do! "Why should we pay for that?"It is no wonder they are astounded when their agent tells them they need to get their own home MARKET READY! "What? That is not our responsibility, it is yours!" Home sellers expect to have to do some things like clear off the refrigerator, make their beds every morning, keep the dishes up and mow the lawn. Now they are told they need to do what?"Stage our house? "What the heck is that?""We don't have the money for that!""How much is that going to cost us?""Why should we pay for that?""Bob and Mary sold the...