The Red Hawk is on the Prowl
By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
The Red Hawk is on the Prowl Last week I was on the phone and had the back door open and heard all this commotion. As I went outside, I saw two red hawks flying off and every bird in the whole area was squealing and flying like crazy birds. Then they all hid in trees and it was dead silent except for some crying. I couldn't find a wounded animal so not sure if it was in someone else's yard or just an unset critter. I have a black phoebe bird nest and did not see the mother for 2 days so it was my worry that the mother had been grabbed but after 2-3 days she showed up again and has been in the nest ever since. I feel better and keep waiting for the baby birds. I love the raptor birds but it is hard when they go after my backyard birds. I read where they are quite fond of mourning...