Burbank Short Sale - Can I Short Sale My Burbank Home?
By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Short Sale Burbank Home Most now understand what the Short Sale Process is now considering most of the real estate market in California consists of short sales and foreclosures. But do you know how a Burbank Short Sale will specifically affect you and your family's financial future?Every Burbank Short Sale is different, with varying outcomes and options because of circumstances, the type of mortgage or mortgages that are on the home, the lender or lenders these mortgages are with, and more. The best way to understand your specific situation is to talk in detail with us. You can call or email us using the information at the bottom of this article. Or you can visit our Real Estate Short Sale Formula by clicking here: Can I Short Sale My Burbank Home?We understand how difficult the decisio...