The Town of Borrego Springs is 2 Hours from San Diego
By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
Borrego Springs might be 90 miles or so from San Diego but the winding roads make the trek at least a two-hour drive. Fortunately, it involves driving through beautiful country with fabulous scenery such as rolling majestic hills morphing into mountains littered with millions of large boulders on display. When you get over the pass and begin the downhill descent into Borrego Springs, you can view on the horizon a sun-glistened Salton Sea. Then you hit town and there are the thousands of tourists milling about because it is wildflower season, not to mention, a rare Super Bloom. You can read more in my personal blog today at this link: Photos of Visit to Borrego Springs, California.