Special Membership Rates - The Sports Club/LA
By Matt Sweeney, Rich Kids Real Estate
(Rich Kids Real Estate: The Brokerage)
It's been a pretty slow day in the world of real estate, so I thought I would mention that they are having special rates on new memberships at The Sports Club/LA in Beverly Hills (http://www.thesportsclubla.com/clubs/beverly-hills). Summer is right around the corner and it's time to get yourself back into shape if you haven't started already! I can't emphasize how much going to the gym on a daily basis improves my state of mind, energy levels, and overall feeling of well being. SCLA/BH has this killer class on Wednesday at 6:00pm called "Body Design". Don't let the name fool you - this class is a balls to the wall boot camp that will make even the most fit person want to call it quits within the first 15 minutes. If you can hang in there and keep coming back, it is one of the best clas...