Solera Oak Valley Greens April Events
By Diana Mangan, SOLERA Oak Valley Greens Homes for Sale
(Solera Realty Team)
Solera Oak Valley Greens April Events Solera Oak Valley Greens residents know something is always going on in our community. Not only do our residents enjoy our numerous special interest clubs including our Golf Club, Wine Sippers Club, Pet Lovers, and many more, but we also have an amazing social calendar full of fantastic events! I'm delighted to share with you the remainder of April's upcoming events here at Solera Oak Valley Greens! Battle of the Dance Lunch & Show Wednesday, April 25th, 2012 ~ 9:30am–4:30pm ~ $58 per person Includes deluxe motor-coach transportation, lunch choice of Quiche (Veggie or Lorraine), roasted potatoes, fresh fruit salad, muffin, coffee, tea or soft drinks and chocolate roulette for dessert! Ballad of the dance is a spectacular combination of color, light...