Is your Phoenix area golf course community fiscally sound?
By Pamela Smith, Sun City West, Corte Bella, Sun City Grand
(Award Realty)
Is your Phoenix area golf course community fiscally sound? Are your dues advancing upwards? Does your Association possess ample assets to capture your living expectations? Provided that you reside in Sun City West Arizona, the response is positive to every one of the above! Sun City West, Arizona, has had a banner year. They experienced a windfall the present year of $800K. Where did this originate from? Due to the excellent climate we ad this winter, golf and home purchases excelled. There were no weather delays for golf, frost or rain. Residents were able to use any one of the seven courses every day. Driving ranges, putting greens and chipping facilities were all available, all day long. One more positive is the Community continued the boosted home sales in Sun City W...