
Strawberry, AZ Real Estate News

By Leslie Prest, Owner, Assoc. Broker, Prest Realty, Payson,
(Leslie Prest, Prest Realty, Sales and Rentals in Payson, AZ)
If you come to visit in Payson or Pine, consider a side trip to the old school house in Strawberry. This is a restored, one room school house which is open to tour on weekends through mid October. The school was built in 1884 to service families in the area. Strawberry is a small town about 20 miles North of Payson, on Hwy 87. It is nestled RIGHT below the Mogollan Rim. If you head North from Strawberry you begin to climb immediately until you are on top of the Rim. There are not a lot of businesses in Strawberry, but there are many houses and cabins scattered in the trees. Stop off for lunch at the Strawberry Lodge, they have great hamburgers. Come and let your children see what it used to be like to go to school! Here is a link to the web page about the school, complete with pictures....
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