Built in 2005 and sold on 08/05 at $160K. Wells Fargo Bank foreclosed it for $136K. The house has 1301 sqft living space. You may get it for $70K or less. Time is running out too. Possible to have 4 days for you to present an offer more than $62K NOW.Parcel Size:0.13 Size Indicator:Acres Tax Area Code:0103 (Rates current as of 2007)Use Code:0131 Land Legal Class:03 - OWNER OCCUPIED RESIDENTAL Impr. Legal Class:03 - OWNER OCCUPIED RESIDENTAL Full Cash Value (FCV):$145,236.00 Limited Value (LPV):$107,467.00 Assessed FCV:$14,524.00 Assess LPV:$10,747.00 Document:Date of Sale:8/3/2007 Sale Amount:Not Given Property Address (Location):2 BLVD. FLORENCE , AZ 85232 Last sale, Foreclosure, minimum bid and tax infoSold dates:09/12/2005: $160,363 08/03/2007: $136,000 (Wells Fargo for...