
Searcy, AR Real Estate News

By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Here's another one of the old interesting home pictures given me to a lady whose husband had passed away but who had a hand in building the houses, drawing up the plans, etc.  I have not been able to locate this house.  It may be gone.  Perhaps some of my blogger friends will remember it. The house has grown shrubs and trees and makes me wonder whether the man was reliving his history and going back to the scene of the construction and making memos. I understand that.  I drive around town now and say to myself, "I sold that house way back in the 80's.  And there's one that I sold in the 90's."  I'm enclosing the floor plan also.    
Comments 11
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
I waved at my neighbor last week. Their car is in the driveway. Their dog still barks.  Their cat visits my yard.  They obviously still live beside me. Tonight, I looked up their number in the phone book and dialed it.  I needed to ask them a neighborhood question. "The number you have dialed has been disconnected." There it has happened again!!  Those neighbors have probably decided that the landline is no longer needed.  They have cell phones.  Why pay that extra expense monthly for a landline? As a matter of fact, hubby asked me two days ago if we REALLY need a land line?  My reply was that as long as I'm in real estate, I want a land line as a means to be found if anyone needs me. I'm wondering if we have a solution to this newly-forming problem.  Will cell phones be listed somewher...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
This house is no longer in Searcy.  It was removed in order for "things modern" to be built.  I'm not sure exactly where it was but my sources say it was between the West Arch street Church of Christ and downtown. Sources also say they think it may have been called the Yarnell house?  They say with assurance that it was Mildred Wilbourn's (now deceased) grandmother's house.  And they say with assurance that it was a magnificent old house.  I'll bet this picture got snapped because of the unusual-for-Searcy-Arkansas snowfall. Perhaps a few comments from you folks out there can set the record straight. Wonder if this was the same snowstorm?
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
We've had a little distraction in Searcy Arkansas real estate.  It has now been blogged about by the Arkansas Realtors Association and I'm copying the blog below.  The blog was written by Ethan Nobles and can be located here.   I am taking the name of the person who was found guilty off because.....well, just because I don't feel right having a name on my blog.   A few weeks ago, a Realtor® over in Searcy sent in a disturbing account about which she wanted to warn other Arkansas agents (and, indeed, real estate professionals throughout the country). We at the Arkansas Realtors® Association (ARA) held off mentioning the reports of rather disturbing behavior until we got some proof of a conviction. Why? Well, one has to be worried about liability and such like in this day and age and we'r...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
  Who are these important Searcy people from 1934 gathered for a photograph.  The copy of this picture was given to me by the same lady who gave me old house pictures that I've posted.  I loved the picture then and I love it now.  She wrote the names on the back....or someone did.  If I have a ? I couldn't read the writing.  This was the Kiwanis Club.  Unless I'm mistaken, this was a men's only club and the women in the picture had chores to do but were not members.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  1.  Mrs. Myers, pianist. 2.  A. J. Stephens, Sinclair agent. 3.  B. C. Huddleston, ?. 4.  Doyle Kelso, teachers & coach. 5.  Elmo Taylor, lawyer.  6.  M.P. Jones, newspaper. 7.  Dr. Porter Rodgers, doctor. 8. California visitor.  9.  O. W. Holmes, Penny's store.  10.  A. H. Royston, insurance.  11....
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about a cat who came to our back door, appeared to love us, visited often, and ate a lot. We thought the gods had sent us another cat to take the place of our guard cat who'd become famous because of Nutsy and Raven and possoms and skunks and traps.  She just disappeared and a day or so later this cat came calling.   We named him Elvis because we'd look up and Elvis would have left the porch. (Elvis has left the building....) Well, now Elvis has left us. Here's my theory of what happened.  When our cat disappeared we'd just bought her some savory more-expensive food.  With her gone, we fed it to Elvis.  Elvis licked his chops and begged for more and more. Elvis ate all the expensive stuff.  Being cheap we went to the dollar store and bought a big bag of ch...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Our historic First Methodist Church on Main Street in Searcy Arkansas dates back to the 1800's and has graced many an old post card or photograph and the front has hardly changed.  It has spread, fattened, or become bigger in whatever way you want to describe but the front stayed the same. Now they are having some repairs done.  Driving by today I couldn't help screeching to a stop and taking these pictures.  Those guys are pretty high up!  But they had an easy way of getting up there with that lift.  Imagine the ones who first built the church and laid those bricks.  It would have seemed much higher then.                     The brick work done so long ago was truly beautiful as shown in the picture below.  The city of Searcy  is fortunate in where the church is located because anyone ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Remember when you could drive a big car and never worry about filling it up? Remember when the filling stations did full service with a smile? Remember when the filling stations would give free gifts with a fill-up? Remember putting a tiger in your tank?? I did remember the wonderful old ads about putting a tiger in your tank but couldn't remember who did the ads. I found this old collectible that says it was ESSO. This little thing is apparently a key chain of some type.  What is surprising is that on the opposite side it said you could drop it in a mail box and Esso would  return it to you? WOW!!  That's service! The back says drop in any mailbox. Happy Motoring Key Club. Z211931  Box 52008 Houston Texas 77062. Postage Guaranteed.   Now why am I putting this thing on Activerain blog s...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
  During World War II Searcy Arkansas had a real honor in that our own Margarete Neel was chosen as the Red Cross poster girl. She was on Red Cross posters everywhere. During a White County Historical Society special day of honoring Searcy's past history our Anita Hart Fuller was the one who posed as the poster girl on the court square. Here she is in front of our White County Court House with books, information and an authentic poster from World War II.  Anita is the tart-tongued commenter on some of my blogs who finishes out the history lesson, sets me straight or sometimes tries to set Nutsy straight. She's a true historian and a fun person to have around.  I have featured her mother, Corinne Hart on my blog many times.  Her mother lived to be 100 and participated in so many Searcy ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Happy Pictures. They were taken at the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in St. Augustine Florida. Standing behind the magnifying glas  (at least I guess it was a magnifying glass) made us feel strange and mysterious.  Looking at the photos makes me think that we were in another dimension with the possibility of traveling to another planet!  Be sure to attend one of their museums if you have the opportunity.  
Comments 15
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
About a year ago I wrote about the experience of getting a text on my land line phone.  It was strange.  It didn't happen again until yesterday. The phone was ringing and when I picked it up the message came through this way. Robotic voice says with no expression, "Have a nice dinner.  I will call you tomorrow."   The robotic voice actually sounds almost threatening.  Why would someone call me and wish he a nice dinner unless it was going to be my last one? I quickly hung up and started thinking.  And then I think I figured it out.  I'd called my daughter and told her we were having friends for dinner and unless she called me back quickly not to call until the next day.  She had probably done that text message.  She'd just got my message on her cell phone and answered by text not notici...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
The James Lercher family of McRae was selected the 1979 Farm Family of the Year.  Betty and James Lercher moved from Illinois to McRae in 1951.  They had 15 children, 5 daughters and 10 sons. The newspaper article stated that just one of the impressive features of the family was their ability to work together at the various jobs on the farm.  When an important decision was to be made, a family meeting was held to include everyone in the decision. A community ballgame was held on the farm each Sunday afternoon and the entire family tried to get together at least once each month.  In the picture above most of the family is represented including a son-in-law or two. Of significance to me presently is one of the boys is now my personal assistant, heir apparent, and co-worker because I conv...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
We love our heat pump.  It works great most of the time.  It is so economical and we were promised low bills by the electric company when we reluctantly installed one in the new house years ago. It proved to be a good promise.  They did say, however, that heat pumps are not good in extremely cold weather.  Look where the temp gage is today!!!  We hardly ever see that needle so close to a zero!  Frightful.  We run around asking how people can stand cold weather like this ALL the time.  Another thing they pointed out is that a heat pump has the outside compressor part running all year long whereas the gas heat does not.  Well, it doesn't run when it goes to the emergency heat which is when the little green light comes on!  Little green light means Emergency Heat is on.....higher bills. S...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
People talk. People shouldn't talk about churches. Should they?  Gossip?  Well, I've heard some about this church in Searcy Arkansas that is located at 400 West Arch Street and it is right across the street from another church. The congregation from both churches could meet in the middle of the street and visit...and talk.... The one across the street was the subject of my blog a day or so ago.  It's the Episcopal Church Trinity Parish. This church is the First Presbyterian Church. Gossip has it that the First Presbyterian Church used to be a chapel on a military base!  Which one?  Where?  Gossip didn't tell me that but perhaps my Searcy historians can. It was moved to this site and has maintained its dignity and simple beauty ever since. Or so the story goes.  
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Kids have been out of school since before Christmas.  Christmas was December 25, 2009. Today is January 4, 2010 and kids are about to lose what they'd learned!  Right, moms?  They need to get back in school!  School is out for a snow day!    YIKES!!!!                                                                          Parents are screaming with dismay.  How are we going to get to work, take care of kids, get back into a normal routine???? Kids are screaming with delight!!  No school for another day!  Snow day!  Let's go play in the snow, make a snowman, throw snowballs!!  Even this old real estate agent, Barbara S Duncan, is wishing we'd get back to normal.  I was planning to go to the office today and get loads of stuff done. But these steps look treacherous.  I also need to go se...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Episcopal Church Trinity Parish is located at 200 North Elm in Searcy Arkansas. I found this old picture of the church and didn't recognize it. My blogging friends recognized it immediately.   I started to straighten up the picture but it lost some of its character in the straightening. This church is just a block from downtown but in this picture it appears to be way out with farmhouses. It has been perfectly maintained throughout the years and added onto at least once. Now it is having another add-on.  Except it is not an add-on.  I guess you'd call it an extension because the extension is across the street in another block. And it is HUGE!  It looks as if they are repeating the style of the church and I like that idea a lot. Here are views of the front and the back of the new extensi...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
We danced the night away.  At least my dancing-fool husband did.  I think I've said before that his most hurtful remark once was, "Dancing with you in this contest is the only time I ever lost a dancing contest." The band was Sonny Burgess and the Legendary Pacers, a band that started in 1955 in Newport, Arkansas.  They still perform all over the world to big crowds.  They play the old-fashioned rock-n-roll.  Here's Sonny. The kids of today don't seem to have the affection for dancing the night away that old-timers did. Unfortunately, the old-timers are getting tired. One funny remark made around 11:30 p.m. while waiting for the New Year to appear was this. "You know we used to gather up money to get the band to play longer.  Wonder how much money it would take to get them to stop early...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
What neat photos we have found of old Searcy Arkansas. Evidently the first one is of a Wave in uniform visiting in front of First Security Bank in order to perhaps solicit women to sign up for the Waves. Look at the Ford Motor Company sign behind her.  Who can remember when there was a car dealership downtown on the square. Also note the window opened at the bank.  This must have to gain ventilation in a stuffy bank with no central air.                              Next we have our famous Searcy lady, Corinne Hart, Anita's mom who lived to be 100 posing in the very same spot with a poster.  Question?  Who is that guy grinning like a Cheshire cat above the sign and is he real or part of the sign?  For those who might wonder where this is, it is on the East side of the court square.  Firs...
Comments 6
By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
  Credit Repair in Arkansas National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street Suite 402 East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, judgments, repossessions, etc. we can help. We are the experts in credit restoration and credit repair. We have helped numerous residents of Arkansas. We are experts in Arkansas Credit Repair. If you're scouting for a credit repair company to perform ethical, effective credit repair for you, then don't be afraid to ask questions and request to see client testimonials/references. Here are some of the questions we believe you should ask before hiring a credit repair company: Find out how long the...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Seniors in Searcy High School have gone out and sold advertisements in the High School Yearbook for as long as I can remember.  The books were heavy, full of pictures with enough memories to last a lifetime.  Here's a picture from the 1976 yearbook. The Seniors might try to get themselves and their relatives in the picture if the relatives had a business and bought an ad.  This picture shows VW Duncan, car salesman supreme, who started and reigned over the car dealership on Race Street in Searcy Arkansas until his death.  Also in the picture is my daughter Valerie, her step-sister Lana Duncan and my husband Rodger Duncan.  The car? It was a brand new 1976 Chrysler Newport, says my husband.  Did I get to drive it?  Heck, no!!   
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