
Searcy, AR Real Estate News

By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Another historic picture of the Rialto and downtown SearcyAs I stated in another blog, M. D. Faith was one of the early real estate brokers in Searcy AR.  He and his wife have both passed and their home on Pleasure Street has just sold.  An estate sale was held and I dropped by.  There was an envelop with negatives in it from pictures made by him for his real estate sales or for his pleasure.  I have a friend who was able to print the pictures from the negatives (I returned the negatives to the heirs) and this is one of them.Here is another one of the pictures that date back to about 1979 or 1980.  It shows a great image of the Rialto, the Cumberland Presbyterian  Church and the old abstract office.  This is at the corner of Spring and Race.  Notice the parking meters and the direction ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Here's an old photo of Spruce Street, Searcy AR.M. D. Faith was one of the early real estate brokers in Searcy AR.  He and his wife have both passed and their home on Pleasure Street has just sold.  An estate sale was held and I dropped by.  There was an envelop with negatives in it from pictures made by him for his real estate sales or for his pleasure.  I have a friend who was able to print the pictures from the negatives (I returned the negatives to the heirs) and this is one of them.Lots of people remember Mrs. Harris's cafeteria and will enjoy seeing the cafeteria plus the other businesses on Spruce Street. Now we can see how it appears on the court house photo today.  I don't know about you but I like the first look better.  The court house records also say it was built about 1900...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Built in 1907 and probably history.This home at 207 E Center, located behind the old historic Rendezvous, is going down.  This picture came from the court house information.  It seemed to have out-of-town owners who didn't take care of it and did for care for it so it was in such bad shape that it had to come down.  Most interesting is that it was once the framing studio of Terry Williams, Searcy's fantastic artist and framer.  Terry did beautiful duck prints that can be found all over town including my house.Here is one of the house going down on December 20 2022.  I got one last glance and said my good-bye. 
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 FOUND IN MY ATTIC!  HUGE SIGNS!Signs are 24" x 48".......pretty big and very old.  Reading the signs will bring back Searcy AR memories for sure.  There is no date but read through them and see how many of the sponsoring new car dealers are still owned by the same folks.  Then go to the ones who gave donations and see if they are still around.  Things changed greatly as these big signs slept in our attic.And they provide great Searcy memories.
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 Do you have relatives in this picture?  It was loaned to me by Betty Mote, who knows a lot about Searcy history.  I like seeing again how hair styles change and how girls seemingly have always wanted to have matching hair styles.I assume the girls were cheer leaders but I don't know for sure.  And what's that man doing back there?  Here are the names written on the back of the picture.  Left to right:  Floy Elliott, Era Greer, Mary Elliott, Helen Gerbert, Evamae Caraker, Ludie Allen, and Wesley Gilliland.  If you have information, we'd love for you to share.
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 Another one bites the dust?Clicking the address   here    will take you to a fantastic picture of the above house and a great article about it.  The house definitely appears to be going down.    The ones above showed it about two days ago.  It may be gone now.  It is located at 702 West Center St in Searcy AR. It was built in 1925 and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1991.You might want to jump in your car and go say your good-bye to a once lovely home that housed great families and was always a beauty to drive by.  Wouldn't I love a call from someone telling me they have bought it and are restoring it!!   Also be sure to go read the article that was in The Daily Citizen a few weeks ago when you click the address above. 
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Who made frying pans?While digging around in old stuff in my garage I came across this interesting frying pan (my folks would have said skillet).  It was different, kinda pale and not heavy at all.  But most interesting was the still-attached ticket saying "Home made for Dewey Wright."  I remember Dewey.  He passed away in January 2005 and he may have been a camping type.But who, in Searcy Arkansas, would have been able to make him a frying pan?  If any of our Searcy Sleuths can remember, share it with us.  And if there is a relative of his who might know, give us a "holler" and let us know.
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Look at this ad from 1970!  The Pit Drive-In was located in Searcy AR on East Race.  It was greatly loved and look at the price of a tub of chicken......$1.49.  Compare that with today and cry.  Many folks went there to get their fried chicken instead of trying to cook it at home.  I wrote a blog about it several years ago.  Let's review it.  Click here to go to that blog.  Be sure to read all the comments while you are there.
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
I know.  It is not Valentine's day or even close but this old blog that I did several years ago talking about a Valentine Queen for Searcy was fun then and is still fun now.  This cutie in the photo and what she replied is meaningful today because it shows that history repeats itself.  The picture of a girl on a boy's bike was a bit of a scandal back in the 1940's when it was taken.  Please go now to this old blog and read it.Are you back?  Now if you did not take time to read the many comments, I will show you what the no-longer-little-girl said.  ""To answer the comments about the boys bike:  I got this bike for Christmas, one Christmas during "the war"  (WWII).....there were no new bicycles to be bought  in Searcy and no girl's bike could my parents find.  This was a used bike.   I, ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 1957 White County 4-H Club WinnersFound!  Treasure from 1957 with pictures of two winners at the fair.  I'm guessing but I think she may have won a sewing machine and he won for having a great steer.  The style of the day is obvious.  She was wearing a dress and I loved the way he had those jeans rolled up.  She was Jo Ann Swain and he was Leslie Scarborough.  Prizes were evidently given by The Searcy Bank which is now First Security Bank.  Searcy Sleuths, tell us what you can about those old times and the folks if you knew them!
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Searcy AR RevisitThe lady on the right above is Betty Mason Martin and she lived in Searcy way back in about 1947.  Her memories of Searcy are quite favorable except for one so she just paid us a visit.  She now lives in Virginia, drove to Arkansas, and had a visit with old friends from her childhood.  Mary Kay VanPatten James is shown with her in the above picture.The bad memory is of her father's death.  Her father, Lester Mason, was superintendent of Searcy Public Schools.  Her mother, Alice, was a teacher of music and was choir director at a local church.  Mr. Mason was driving home from Bald Knob on what is now Hwy 13 By-Pass.  There was a big bridge across the river (it has now been replaced) that he had to cross and for some reason he did not make it across and he died in the acc...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Anyone recognize the Searcy girl in the picture of Maud Crawford serving tea at Arkansas Girls State?  My friend and great Searcy Sleuth has found this picture in the newspaper or on line and knew the girl.  Here's what Anita wrote about it."Arkansan and author, Beth Brickell, has published another book "Solving the Puzzle of the Disappearance of Maud Crawford" - and recently the Arkansas Democrat Gazette  published excerpts.  Searcy Sleuth, Anita Fuller, who attended Girl's State in l953, recognized a Searcy classmate in the photo, and Jo Ann Cooper verified:  Dorothy Anderson Maple.  JoAnn attended Girls State with Dorothy in l956, but doesn't remember Mrs. Crawford."Dorothy is the girl on the right, says Anita.  Anyone remember her?
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Searcy Beethoven Club.  A friend of mine loaned me some interesting folders that she had found at an estate sale.  The folders were all about Searcy Beethoven Club history.  The club operated in Searcy AR and articles date back to at the least the 1950's and possibly earlier.  Lots of pictures showed that it met in member homes or churches or various places.  Assuming you know the husband's name, you may recognize some ladies because if I remember "way back then" we ladies had no identity except for the husband's name.  Seems as if I wrote a blog about that one time. (Click to see the interesting photo)The club also put on shows and did interesting brochures to pass out at the meetings.  The first picture above shows very young participants in a program and the second picture shows some...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 Because it is so hot these old pictures are interesting.Wonder what the temperature was?  This old picture dates back to about 1950's and shows how things used to be.  If you wanted a suntan, this is the way you got it.....out in the hot sun showing your bodies.  Later on, there was the electric suntan booth which could be used inside.  Still later on, and probably most popular right now is the spray-on tan.  I was always so envious of girls who tanned well because I didn't.   And here's another picture of how it used to be.  Possibly the same girls in the swim suits of the piece bikinis.  These pictures were found in an old photo album that Super Sleuth Anita Hart Fuller loaned me.  She may be able to identify the ladies.  Written on the back of one of the pict...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Interesting Democrat Gazette ArticleToday's Arkansas Democrat Gazette had this interesting "Remember...?" article written by Celia Storey about the history of Yarnell's Ice Cream that operated in Searcy for about 80 years.  We have a tendency to forget how many years have passed as we remember the past.  It is nice that we can still buy Yarnell's ice cream and this humorous article spells out why we are able to do that.  Read it and I did!  And I really like that cow that has come to Searcy, lives outside the factory, and belongs to Turkey Hill Dairy!
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Beautiful old doors!Some interesting Searcy AR history has just surfaced and there are beautiful antique doors for sale.  At the corner of Market and Gum in Searcy stands Bliss Salon in an old building that the court house says was built in 1884 and was renovated a few years ago by Bliss Salon owners.  I did a blog about it and you have to stop now and go back to read the blog.  Click here, Those buyers loved the old doors that were either in or around it and saved them.  They are scaling down and will part with them at their estate sale this weekend.  Check here for the information about the sale.  It is worth attending the sale just to see the doors!  The sale is fantastic and full of wonderful things.  You will be impressed.Lots of pictures of sale items are at    
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Spring Street, Looking North, Searcy ARKTo really appreciate this old card and this blog you need to enlarge the picture and see the small details.  Ads on the buildings told me something I didn't know.  The barber shop had baths!  Go to the barber shop and get yourself a shave, haircut AND a bath!!  In Searcy Arkansas!One is for an optician and I can't tell what else is on that wall. Then there is something about "car."  Car dealer?  Street car?  Coke sign is there for sure.Then there are the vehicles parked on the sides of the street with one looking as if it might have a flat and is leaning.  The card is from 1933 so you have the possible age of the vehicles.  I like seeing two of them meeting each other in the street.  Note also how many gents are probably visiting on the sidewalks....
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 From this drawing in this exhibited art work at Searcy Art Gallery, 300 East Race St.I was teaching Art in 1979 at Searcy High School.  One of my most talented students was a young man named Bill Reames.  He loved art and did lots of illustrations in the year books.  The 1979 yearbook said, "Bill Reames has been drawing for as long as he can remember but the true interest began in the 7th grade.  Bill started making up comic book characters modeled after D. C. and Marvel characters.  Since then Bill has won first and second place in the White County Fair art exhibit and he drew last year's yearbook cover as well as some caricatures of several teachers for the book.  Bill hopes to get a job penciling for either Marvel or D. C. comics."I somehow still have some of Bill's work ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Graduation? Big Party?  Where?Searcy AR had several places for parties way-back-then?  This one has lots of young people so it may be a school prom.  What I wonder is where it was being held.  The Mayfair had big rooms, I think.  So did the very popular Rendezvous Restaurant.  Roseann Motel? It is sorta contemporary in style except for the chairs and it appears to have a floor where they could play a slow song and the folks could dance.  Searcy Sleuths, can you give us more info.  Perhaps you are in the crowd?Here's another get together and I am thinking that it was at the American Legion Hut in Searcy AR.  Note no ladies present at this one.
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Governor Orville Faubus visits Searcy and the band greets him.These are interesting old pictures of the then Governor Faubus arriving in Searcy AR for some function that was important enough to bring out the band.  Searcy Sleuths can tell the year by the vehicles, I predict.  To the left would be the historic Mayfair Hotel and to the right we see favorite stores like The Ideal Shop and Morris & Sons.  It was before my time because I don't remember a Lure Cafe or a Headlee Drug.  Was VanAtkins there already?  A Sears sign is down the street.  Old and good memories!  Mostly!
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