
Searcy, AR Real Estate News

By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Found!  An old newspaper clipping of early voting.I stumbled upon this old clipping.  Don't we all clip family pictures from the newspaper?  How this one ended up on the front page of the local newspaper is a mystery BUT it means so much right now.  It makes us think of the good old safe distancing.....just stand in line to early vote.Another sad change from 2004 to 2020 is the demise of so many newspapers.  This one, The Daily Citizen, used to be delivered almost daily.  Now it is delivered three times a week by the US Post Ofice.  It is also very thin, almost no news, and still struggling to stay alive at all.Let's go back to the Good Ole Days!
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Postcard on ebayThe top picture is a postcard that is for sale right now on ebay and the building appears to be in great shape.  I don't think trains were anywhere near it in 1978 but it is called the MoP depot, there is an old railroad track on the side in the top picture, and it is in Searcy, AR.  Nosy me. What does it look like now?  The second picture shows a more recent view.  Looks as if its days are numbered.It is located on South Main if you'd like to drive by.  Perhaps the city of Searcy could try to restore it and preserve it as a historic building.
Comments 7
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
As good as a real museum....except you may purchase things!We are all tired, bored, lonely during this Covid year.  Today I made a visit to Searcy AR's "Old Hippy" store that is located at 1216 S Benton.  I already have too much stuff in my house to be shopping to buy more but I DO like to look.  In fact, I like museums.  But we don't have one close by.While browsing through all the treasures that are on display out there I had a sudden thought.  This is just like a museum!  There is history all over the place.  Old pictures.  Vintage furniture.  And look at the old trunk in the picture above!  Seems like my parents had one like that.  If you'd like a little time away plan a visit.  The owner says he loves to have people visit and look around!  The thing that bothers me is that I can ne...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
May Day Parade on Spring Street looking North, Searcy AR.This wonderful old card is available on ebay right now.  I think I may have used it in a blog before but we probably have new viewers.  (    We did!!  Please do read all the comments on the location and information about the picture when you go to this early blog. Interesting is the Tom Keene cigar sign on the brick building.  Also interesting would be the possible location of what is now Mayfair Hotel.  If you go to the ebay site they have pictures that are nicely enlarged.  The mailing was in 1912 with the normal message, "How are you doing?  We are doing fine."  That was the way cards, letters, etc., were always sta...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Smile!  You have to.I have made several trips by this property and this happy sight remained.  A shiny red convertible had parked itself under this tree.  For shade?  Meeting someone? A flat tire? Forgotten?Whatever the reason, I had to smile and feel good each time I saw it.  I hope you did too if you drove by there.
Comments 11
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Another treasure on ebay.Here's another historic post card showing our beloved old court house that is in the middle of Searcy AR.  It was postmarked 1909 with a one cent stamp.  Folks were good about sending letters and post cards back then.  Now they reach out with cell phones.  Will history no longer have evidence?  Perhaps so.....with this blog.....Activerain has done a great job of keeping our blogs alive and they pull up easily in searches.Thanks, Activerain!!!!
Comments 4
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
  Old Postcard found on ebay. Here's another treasure to be found right now on ebay.  But before we see the street, let's look at the creative way it was addressed.  I was puzzled.  Something looked like a handsaw but why?  And then there were more scribbles in front of it.  THEN I GOT IT!  In R (picture of a can) (picture of a saw).  Go back and look!  Creative, isn't it!!Now the picture.....It is an old 1927 view of Arch Street in Searcy AR.  The street seems to be so much wider then than it it now but I guess the vehicles were just smaller and perhaps the sidewalks grew.  It is a really historic scene showing Baugh's Drug Store, a book store, the court house, and the cross streets of Arch and Spruce.  Is that also a grocery store?  And is that a mudhole in the street?Check it out if ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Most creative mask in our Searcy AR RE/MAX office?We are open but must wear masks during our office attendance.  I met this scary guy in the hall yesterday!  After screaming, I asked if I could put his picture on my blog.....just for fun.  He replied, "Sure.  It will be good publicity and bring me business!"So here he is, John Holt, definitely our most creative agent who has come up with a most creative mask.  John is a music lover along the lines of  __________.   (Fill in the blank......I am not sure.)  He has a great sense of humor and we all love him.  And he also does a great real estate business.ORCould this mask be a form of vanity??
Comments 8
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Remember Burma-Shave signs?  Here's a book that I just found at an estate sale.  I can barely remember the Burma-Shave signs.....but I do remember a few and they were entertaining.  This book says they began in 1927 and went on to 1963.  The book was written in 1965 and has the jingles for all of the signs.For all you young ones this is how it worked.  You'd be driving down some road and you'd see a sign that might say, "Don't lose your head,"  and a little further down a sign would say, "To gain a minute,"  and a little further another sign, "You need your head,"  and a bit further, "Your brains are in it."  Then finally, "Burma-Shave."  They were pretty funny.  Folks loved them.  How about this one?DEAR LOVER BOYYOUR PHOTO CAME BUT YOUR DOGGONE BEARDWON'T FIT THE FRAMEBURMA-SHAVEThe b...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Almost priceless picture of downtown Searcy AR landmark.On ebay right now, priced at $23.75, is this wonderful postcard of the original  Robertson's Drug Store (now operated as Quattlebaum Music) in downtown Searcy AR.  It was established in 1860, according to the card.  I seem to have put this building up several times in this blog history.  Here's another view of it . check out this one that has a closer view of the window on the side. 
Comments 8
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
1954 Phone call prices from Searcy AROur kids today think phone calls are free.  And they are.  They can talk for hours on their cell phones.  Let's educate them by saying phone calls were once very expensive.  Check this phone book page.  You live in Searcy AR.  You have a friend in Little Rock.  You want to call the friend.  If you call station-to-station it is cheaper.....3 minutes for 50 cents!  If you want to call person-to-person (which means if you don't get the person you don't have to pay)  it is 80 cents for the 3 minutes.  Plus tax will be added as explained at the bottom of the page.  So you also have a friend in Miami.  $1.70 for 3 minutes or 2.40 for person-to-person.  The further away you were the more it cost.  Nights and Sundays were cheaper.  And there was Collect call...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
D for Duncan's?  Cheerleaders for PeeWee Football 1997.And who were they cheering for?Here they are.  1997 PeeWee Football players and their coaches.  See if you can find yourself if you were growing up at that time.  I believe the sponsor was Duncan's Chrysler Plymouth Jeep.  
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
 More Searcy AR Memories.....Prince Gardner Leather Company?Coming up in a few days is another estate sale being done by my daughter who owns VSmith Estate Sales.  And here she pulls out more great Searcy history.  The pictured items above came from Prince Gardner Leather Company and the leather items were owned by a person who worked there for many years.  My understanding is that when International Shoe Company (located on S Main) closed it became home to a leather company in the building.  Searcy Sleuths may have to give more information on how it operated but by seeing these leather goods, they must have put out some fine leather items.  Notice a name for the men's items on the left, named Prince Gardner and on the right for girls, Princess Gardner.  Interesting, also, is the price ...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Searcy AR football team 1939 - 1942This great old picture was loaned to me by Ginger Pickens Brookshire and husband Frank.  Frank was a member of another football team in approximately 1970 sponsored by Duncan's Chrysler Plymouth car dealership and still loves football. This picture is so interesting because it names the folks in the picture.  You will probably remember (note I did not say recognize) several of them.  #99, Gerald Pickens, owns the picture and was another one who loaned it to me.  He bragged about their record for the years and it is written at the bottom.Thanks for another great Searcy history photograph!
Comments 7
By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Searcy ladies campaigning for Ed Bethune.Ed Bethune, who lived in Searcy AR in 1978, has a new book called "The Thinking Spot. A Sequel to A Pearl for Kizzy" so it might be timely to recall this old picture from the Searcy Daily Citizen.  His books are quite enjoyable and educational.  Seems as if he was running for Congress and had lots of support from Searcy.  Reading under the picture tells where they were going but not who they were.  The lady on the right was Louise VanHook who was co-owner of the Van-Atkins store in our town.  The VanHook estate sale that was just held is where this old picture was found.Notice the style....bell bottom trousers, waist high, dragging the ground.Searcy Sleuths, who were the other ladies?  And were you perhaps part of the campaign?  And all of you ch...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
How about Christmas in July?These two little folks are singing their hearts out.  Picture them singing a Christmas song in the window of the Van-Atkins store on North Spring Street in Searcy AR.  That was their job for many years.  They were plugged in to electricity, had movements and recorded songs to sing.  When kids went by they had to love these guys. When the store was closed they went to the home of the VanHooks (owners of the Van-Atkins store) and were tucked away until the recent VanHook estate sale.  Looking at them again, they seem to be one bought them at the sale because no one knew who they were.  That hurt!I meant to have this blog up before the sale and I am not sure that they can still be sold (check with V Smith Estate Sales) but their story needs to be...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Yarnell's Ice Cream....Turkey Hill Ice CreamWe have read that our hometown ice cream factory is going to start making Turkey Hill All Natural Ice Cream.  We are not sure when or how or wheather Yarnell's will have a new name.We are just sure that as the old saying goes, "Till the cows come home," applies here and we will definitely love Yarnell's till the cows come home.  AND!!  LOOK!!  Has a giant cow arrived to stay?  Or is she just passing through?"  She has been parked at Yarnell's for several days so I snapped a picture.  I am in love with her already so I hope she stays!
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Searcy Sleuths, who were they?An estate sale is being held this weekend, June 19-21, and so much Searcy history has been uncovered.  It is called the VanHook estate sale and Alvin VanHook and his two sons are in the picture.  Ricky VanHook is first on the left in row one and Ron VanHook is third from the left in middle row.  Perhaps some of you can name the others in the picture.The team must have been sponsored by a Veteran's Administration.  (No, I have been corrected.  The VA stands for Van-Atkins, who sponsored the team.) Give us information about it, too, if you have any. Definitely go to for about 150 pictures of things in the sale.  I assume the young lad beside Ricky VanHook was too young to be a part of the t...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Miss Arkansas parade in Searcy AR 1978This great picture of a parade in downtown Searcy AR shows a Searcy lady, Naylene Vuurens, in a convertible driven by Ron VanHook in 1978.  She won the Miss Arkansas pageant and went to the Miss America pageant representing Arkansas. She was beautiful and the driver is rather handsome also.  A Searcy Sleuth will have to tell us who the little girl was.  Notice Searcy businesses and Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the background.Searcy Sleuth, please also tell me the name of the business that started with SIN......And if you were there and see yourself in the crowd, tell us!The picture was taken by Baker - Walker Photography. Mystery solved!!!!  The little girl in the picture was Jennifer Nier, daughter of Wendell and Gail Nier!!  Thank you for  te...
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