
Huntsville, AL Real Estate News

By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
In a previous entry we analyzed the supply and demand trends of the Huntsville Alabama Real Estate market. The trends we have been seeing over the last 5-6 months have been an increase in supply and a decline in unit sales. In any market regardless of product, one would certainly think that pricing would be responding to the current supply/demand model and this is certainly the case when looking at the City Limit marketplace. The following chart illustrates the price dynamics over the last 12 months, along side the market's longer term moving average:   What can be seen in the chart is that during the inventory buildup and sales decline of the last few months, prices have moderated from their peak in June 2007, with the last few months hovering around the longer term moving average. Th...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
                       Spring is here, and summer is fast approaching! Living in Huntsville, Alabama has so much to offer.  Huntsville is a great place to keep yourself entertained! This month alone we have had the annual Panapoly and the Whistle Stop. This month the Lunchtime concerts in the Park begins. Below is a list of entertainers. Bring your lunch and have a great time.  City of Huntsville Recreation ServicesPresents: "Lunchtime Concerts in the Park"Fridays in May - 12:00 till 1:00pm - Featuring:May 2, 2008..... Big Daddy Kingfish                                                May 16, 2008... Rob AldridgeMay 23, 2007... F.O.D BandMay 30, 2007 ...Mike Cole Family BandBig Spring Park East "Arbor" (Next to West Court Café entrance)Bring your lunch and join us in the Park!!!For more ...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Huntsville Alabama Real Estate: Are you looking for your first Huntsville home?? Submitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate AgentCell: 256-479-9664Email: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoHuntsville/Madison AL Real Estate Blog Are you thinking of purchasing your first home in Huntsville, Madison, or the surrounding area?  Buying a home can be a scary and sometimes overwhelming process especially when you experience it for the first time.  There are questions, doubts, and concerns that arise during this time.  You do not have to be alone during this time.  There are real estate professionals in the area that are willing to help you.  There are also resources in the Huntsville community available to first time homebuyers in our area.  Here are a couple of upcoming events provided to he...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Huntsville Alabama: Outdoor Activities GALORE!!Submitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate AgentCell: 256-479-9664Email: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoHuntsville/Madison AL Real Estate Blog I got an email from a young lady looking to move into our area in the next 6 months or so.  One of the questions she asked was what outdoor activities are there to do. One of the great things I love about the Huntsville and Madison County area is that there is such a diversity of activities you can do in our area.  I mean there is really something for everyone!!  We are moving into my favorite time of the year (other than all the yucky pollen all over the place).  The weather is great for those that love the outdoors.  Here are some upcoming outdoor activities in our area.May 1 - Crawfish and S...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
It's that time of year again! The Annual Whistle Stop Festival will be kicking off events, starting Friday May 2nd at 4:00 pm, and ending on Saturday at ll:00 pm. The Whistle Stop Festival and Rocket City BBQ Cook-off is a fundraiser for the EarlyWorks museums in Huntsville, which include the EarlyWorks Children's Museum, Alabama Constitution Village, the Historic Huntsville Depot and the Humphreys-Rodgers House.If you like BBQ, you don't want to miss the fun! There will be cook off's,  family fun, childrens events and plenty of good music, from bluegrass to rock and roll!Come on out for some great food and fun! See you at the Depot!
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
 Huntsville Alabama Caring & Sharing Day!!Submitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate AgentCell: 256-479-9664Email: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoHuntsville/Madison AL Real Estate Blog May 3rd Caring and Sharing Day:  Do you love yard sales??  Well I do too... GUESS WHAT??  I found something that is better than a Yard Sale.  There will be a "Caring and Sharing" Day held at Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church this weekend.  The CARING and SHARING Day will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2008, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon on the front lawn of the Church.  Members of the community will be bring all of their items to display.So are you wondering why is this better than a yard sale.  The answer is: Because everything is F-R-E-E!!  The items will be given away at no cost.  Just come by a...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Huntsville Alabama Activites & Events: Always Plenty to Do!!!Submitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate AgentCell: 256-479-9664Email: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoHuntsville/Madison AL Real Estate Blog Are you looking for fun things to do around the Huntsville area?  I always keep my eyes open for new ideas to share with the readers of my real estate blog.  Yes, sometimes I veer away from topics of Huntsville real estate but I believe that the great city of Huntsville is more than just houses being bought and sold.  Therefore, I try to share things about our city because I have found that to be an important consideration when planning a move to a new city.  I came across some upcoming Huntsville events and OF COURSE I wanted to share it with you.  One of the great things I love ...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Huntsville Pilgrimage Home TourSubmitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate Agent Cell: 256-479-9664Email: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoIn case you are looking for a good activity for the weekend coming up, here is one that might interest you.  If you love homes like I do then I might have just the activity for you.  I may be biased but I happen to think that Huntsville has some of the most beautiful homes in the world.  If you don't believe me just check out some of those gorgeous homes in the historic district.   If you have not had a chance to see some of these homes before, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE.  On Saturday May 3, 2008 the Huntsville Home Pilgrimage Home Tour is back.  It will be from 10am to 4pm.  Tickets are $15 and $20.  They can be purchased from places like Belk, Railroad S...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Huntsville Alabama Real Estate Blog: March 2008 Huntsville Homes Sales Submitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate AgentCell: 256-479-9664Email: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoIts been another great month in the Huntsville area in the real estate market.  There were 170 homes sold this month.  Average selling price of homes in the Huntsville area was $204,375.  The median selling price for March 2008 was $149,900.   As of last month, the average days on the market for the Huntsville Alabama real estate market was 114 days!!  That is just FANTASTIC!!!Below is a breakdown of the home sales in Huntsville for March 2008 by property type.  By far, existing homes were the largest category of sales in the Huntsville area.  Here you can see the price range of the sales for the Huntsville a...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
This week ended a 5 decade span for our McDonalds golden arch!  Our sign was one of only two of the original McDonalds signs in the United States!  With a single arch and a picture of Speede, it was a reminder of the "good ole days" to many, here in Huntsville, Alabama! The arch has proudly stood in Huntsville since 1963. The sign managed to hang in there, even after being involved in several traffic accidents! I can only imagine.  The single arch, sadly, could not meet the required city building codes. Speedee and the arch are on their way to be displayed in the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati.  They will see to it that Mr. Speedee has the makeover of his life and will be proudly displayed for all to come visit!                          Speedee, you will be missed by many!    
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Panoply Arts Festival Begins Tomorrow!!Submitted by: Kimberly GrantAssociate Broker, Exit Leon Crawford RealtyCell: 256-479-9664Web: Kimberly@KimberlyGrant.infoPANOPLY ARTS FESTIVAL In case you haven't been downtown in couple of days there are many streets and routes that have been closed or detoured.  Why??  Because its that time of year again for the Panoply Arts Festival.  Panoply has been a Huntsville Tradition for over 25 years always held the last full weekend in April.   In case you are not familiar with the event, Panoply is a three-day outdoor festival features presentations, demonstrations & fun, while promoting & enhancing the arts. It is perfect for the family with activities that children, teens and adults can all enjoy!  There are hands...
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As many of you know I work at WJAB 90.9FM and coming up THIS SATURDAY is our annual fundraiser. Every year we need voulnteers to come up and answer phones/take pledges. its easy, fun and you get fed. SOOOOOOO  can you, your group, your organization, posse etc come and help us out for a few hours???Please email me back ot call Ms Artis at 372-8790.If you link Jazzzzz show your support. Give WJAB a call.This post is bought to your by HUNTSVILLE PR
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
                                                  SPRING TOUR OF HOMES                                                                          It is time for the 22nd Annual Huntsville/Madison County Builders Association's Spring Tour of Homes.The 22nd Annual Spring Tour of HomesSM will be the weekends of April 26 - 27, 2008 and May 3 - 4, 2008 and will be open from 1:00 to 5:00 pm each day. This year there will be 103 homes, located in Huntsville, Alabama, Madison, Alabama, Madison County, Alabama, Limestone County, and Jackson County.If you will visit the HBA web site at: you will find all the information you need, including maps, subdivisions, prices, etc. This year promises to impress! Price ranges are from the $130's to over $1,000,000! Be sure to...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
It's no surprise that the current real estate crunch is hitting some markets harder than others. Wobbling prices and sales volumes have sent a lagging shock to the rental markets, but it has been interesting to note that supply and demand have pushed different markets in different directions.The conventional wisdom has it that foreclosed owners will be scurrying for somewhere to live, pushing up demand and, therefore, rental rates. In some areas this is exactly what has happened. Landlords in these areas are sitting pretty.In other areas, however, the situation is the reverse. Tightness in the financial markets has pushed many first-time buyers out of the market. Sellers, unable to find buyers, have converted low end houses into rental. Voila - supply goes up, and the glut of properties...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
I wish to thank several readers who have sent email regarding our Local Market Trend feed and say your comments and compliments are most appreciated! Some have asked us to focus on a more granular profile of the Huntsville Real Estate market by providing some analysis of the main North Alabama MLS areas. So with this post we are going to take a brief look at the Southeast Huntsville Real Estate area focusing on the Single Family Homes segment with a Quarter over Quarter perspective. Southeast Huntsville is a vibrant community nestled on Huntsville's eastern mountains and flowing into the Tennessee River valley. Not only is the area scenic and well developed it also hosts one of the best school districts in the state, where students consistently excel in academic and other extracurricula...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Scholarship Fund Golf TournamentSubmitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate Agent Huntsville Real Estate Blog The Meg Ingram Memorial Scholarship Fund will host a Golf Tournament at Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail at Hampton Cove.  It will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2008.  Registration starts at 6:30am and the cost is $125 per player or $500 per 4 person team.  Shotgun start is at 8:00 am.  For golf application and information go to  You can also make donations to:Madison County Alabama AlumniP.O. Box 182Huntsville, AL 35804Make checks payable to Madison County Alabama Alumni and please designate Meg Ingram Memorial Fund. If you or anyone you know likes to golf, please spread the word at the tournament.  It is for a good cause and you can have some fun at the...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Huntsville Alabama Events: April Spring Festival of FlowersSubmitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate Agent Huntsville Real Estate Blog SPRING IS HERE!!!!If you are looking for some new adventures for the spring time.  You can check out the Festival of Flowers at the Huntsville Botanical Garden.  There are a number of activities going on through the month.  If you get a chance, you should go and check out some of the events.  I have outlined some of them below:April 1-30- Garden Chats at Noon April 5- Wildflower Photography WorkshopApril 12- Container Gardening PresentationApril 18-20- ANNUAL PLANT SALE!!!!  WOO HOO!!  (I love a good sale!)April 26- Nature Center and Butterfly House Season OpeningThe Botanical Garden is not located far from the intersection of Jordan Lane and ...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
Come visit this great event here in Huntsville, Alabama. Guaranteed fun for all!  Come hungry and leave full!The WhistleStop Festival & Rocket City BBQis a "slice of southern life" and one of the Top Twenty Events in the Southeast for the month of May. You can buy barbeque from award-winning cooking teams! Sign up for the ShadeTree cookers competition and see if you are one of the Valley's best backyard cooks in the amateur division cook-off! There's a pro-division too, sign up for the KCBS cookers competition if you're ready to compete with the best!Enjoy your favorite beverage in the Bill Penney Pig Whistle Pub! You can dance to great country and rock entertainment at the WDRM/WTAK/The River Entertainment Stage or listen to some of your favorite local bands at the Pig Whistle Pub Stag...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
Huntsville is busy gearing up for the annual Panoply Arts Festival. The event takes place in downtown Huntsville at Big Spring International Park in downtown Huntsville. Dates are April 25-27. The gates open Friday the 25th at 5, Saturday at 10 am and Sunday at 1:00 pm. The event is three days of outdoor fun with festivals, demonstrations and fun, all promoting the arts.  Panoply is a great family even with activities for children, teens and adults.  Stroll through the "Global Village" for hands on workshops and be sure to check out the "Official Alabama State Fiddling Championship,"  "Homegrown Talent Contest", "Ten-Minute Playwright Competition", "Art Marketplace" which is an interactive drum circle, and more! Panoply is ranked in the "Top Twenty Events" by the Southeast Tourism Socie...
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By Kimberly Grant, Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama
(Exit Leon Crawford Realty)
Madison County Real Estate Investor AssocationSubmitted by: Kimberly Grant, Huntsville Real Estate Agent Huntsville Real Estate Blog Are you or someone you know a real estate professional, mortgage officer, or real estate investor?  Are you or someone you know in a field related to the real estate profession?   Have you heard that there is a Madison County Real Estate Investor Association.  Meetings are normally held the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Huntsville Board of Realtors on Monroe Street.  Meetings begin at 6pm and there are opportunites for networking and education in real estate investing.Madison County REIA has an exciting event coming up.  They will host the Millionaire Maker Board Game for ages 15 and up.  It is a really fun way to learn how to build wealth!!  The game...
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