
Willow, AK Real Estate News

By Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Fireweed in Willow Alaska by Robert Swetz July 7-17-2015 For anyone that is not familiar with Fireweed, it is a natural flower that grows wild across the whole state of Alaska.In fact most of the flowers that are in fields across the state of Alaska are wild. There are a handful that have been planted around porches, patios and in front yards of homes. Fireweed on the shores in Homer Alaska by Robert Swetz 7-15-2015 Robert Swetz's trip to Alaska will be coming to an end in the next several days, and he can't believe how fast time has flown by ;o(Robert Swetz has been taking many great photographs of Alaska and will continue to share the beauty of "The Last Frontier" for the next several weeks. Below is one of Vegas Bob's favorite photos he took today at Beaver Lake in Willow Alaska ;o) ...
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By Marty Van Diest, Your Alaskan Realtor
(Valley Market Real Estate)
We took a flight with a friend up the Susitna River Valley yesterday.  The weather was almost perfect, calm and clear.  I had my own plane many years ago and miss flying.  Since my son had never been in a small plane I jumped at the chance for a trip.  We left Wasilla Lake about four in the afternoon and headed north.  We stopped at Willow Lake for fuel, docking next to a large beaver.  A beaver is a good sized bush plane, this one had extended wings and a radial engine.  North of Willow my friend mentioned an interesting house on one of the sloughs of the Susitna River.  We went over to take a look.  From a distance, the place sticks up above threes like a church steeple,  We went closer and circled around for a good look...check it out. I would like to know how you pricing experts wou...
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By Marty Van Diest, Your Alaskan Realtor
(Valley Market Real Estate)
The Willow Winter Carnival organizers must have fantastic weather forecasters.  They schedule this years in advance and hit the weather perfectly.  It was a bright, windless day and a balmy 20 degrees.  The carnival is two weekends long, the last weekend in January and the first weekend in February. Events were held all weekend including skijoring races, cross country ski races, snow shoe races and all sorts of other competitive and just-for-fun events.  Most of the people attending were from Willow, Talkeetna, Wasilla, and Palmer. We went primarily for the vintage snow machine show.  People from all over were encouraged to drag or drive their old beaters and rebuilt machines to Willow Lake.  My two brothers and I brought 5 old machines between us.  Our kids had a great time riding arou...
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