You can use RPR, Realtors Property Resource - I access it from MLS (it's free).
Craig Daniels
Staten Island, NY
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Olga Simoncelli
New Fairfield, CT
What Kat Palmiotti said!
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
I simply use our local tax appraiser site for a certain farm area, I'm planning on mailing to. Along with RPR to verify the TO rate!
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
MLS as others have said. You might also want to check out https://www.usps.com/business/every-door-direct-mail.htm
Craig Daniels
Staten Island, NY
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
in Georgia our resource is qpublic for property records with mailing addresses. Every county utilizes it.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Lots of great ideas, here. Also a local title company.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Tax Assessor or Property Appraiser's website
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
yes & it was pretty reasonable. You'll have to Google it. Also looked for emails of residents too.
My MLS offers us the ability to download addresses off the tax records & export them. Check that too.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
If I understand you, you could go to your town clerk and ask for the voter list
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
We can do mailings right from our FlexMLS tax system and also RPR as others have already shared. Good Luck Ed Hodkinson
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
It's available in our MLS as part of our fees. You can also subscribe to Cole Directory.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
RPR, Remine or your tax service through your MLS if you have such an animal. In my area, all 3 of those options are free as members of our local MLS. Hope this helps!
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
RPR, courthouse records, property appraisers web site.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
RPR and my title company. My title will provide mailing labels as well.
All the best to you.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
The USPS' EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) system is pretty cool if you have not checked it out yet. We use FlexMLS, and I believe they allow us to extract the addresses from an area we define and then puts it into CSV format. May want to call your local Board and ask if your MLS is capable of doing the same. Tax assessor is another way. Get a subscription to the PVA and hire a college kid (or Virtual Assistant) to input the names & addresses.
Hope you find a way to do what you are looking to do.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
What Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist posted.
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Wow these are alot of great answers and help ALOT!!! Many thank you s too all of you!
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
I too use the tax assessor's record. Our title companies used to provide lists for a fee, not sure if they still do.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
Ask here in the Rain and you will get excellent suggestions as you can see from the responses here.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA
I find the best place to be the land records website for each county.
John Juarez
Fremont, CA