The best type of lead generation is the one you are most willing to do. There are some people who love knocking on door, but won't make a phone to save their life. Others are the opposite - they will stay on the phone all day, but don't want to knock on doors. Others use civic organizations and other clubs to prospect. Some use direct mail. Some focus on foreclosures, divorces, or other situations like that.
There are a million ways to generate leads. For most people, lead generation is not the most fun aspect of real estate - it's work. You have to find the few ways that are tolerable to you and focus on those.
Google "The Common Denominator of Success" by Albert E.N. Gray. It's a classic article (it might have actually been a speech) by a life insurance salesperson. Great thoughts about finding success in commissioned sales.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Pete Xavier
Pacific Palisades, CA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
I also suggest to create a Facebook business page and start sharing post of "Just Listed" in your area. Making sure your link that post to your Real Estate website that can capture prospects' contact info. Keep in mind you should post ALL Just Listed especially RENTALs which is really a big market in my area and total with dealing with since most rentals here are on average $1,900 a month.
And keep in mind Rentals do become homeowners later on!!! LOL
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Dario Ferreira
Attleboro, MA
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Today, I would say direct mail since we will have a covid problem yet.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
I'd start with letting everyone you know, know that you are now an agent, and combine that with a post card mailing to an area you are familiar with. Consider using conversation starters like wearing your name tag, car sign, etc. Pay attention to what other busy agents around you are doing. There is no " best strategy". Put together a listing presentation and practice it. Visit you local realtor store and see what marketing items might interest you.
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I’d shy away from the cold calling due to the Do Not Call list, as I’m sure you learned about in your RE classes.
I’ve door knocked with no success.
I would not suggest buying leads from online outlets. You are fighting with too many other agents, feeding the Z machine, and Facebook is not able to target the way it used to be able to (due to fair housing).
Your sphere, (friends, family, previous co-workers, and anyone you associate with) ja the best and cheapest place/way to start. Meet up for a breakfast, coffee, tea, lunch, happy hour, “client appreciation get together, and having meaningful contact with them. Find out what they are doing, what they need, and try to connect people that have similar needs (jobs, childcare, medical, whatever you can discover), and they will be appreciative and think about you in the future.
Mass mailing is great, but can take time to plant those roots. It has to be consistent, and useful. It is not a one time and move on deal, you have to cultivate the neighborhood.
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I'll start with I do not suggest buying leads.
Real estate is local. What works for some agents in one area may not work at all for another agent in another area.
Be the boots on the ground. Many find success with Direct Mail ... with a call to action ... and perhaps follow up with a knock on the door.
Provide value and demonstrate you provide a high level of service.
Be sure to check the local rules for door knocking in your area. Some communities do not allow it.
All the best to YOU!
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Door knocking can be very effective, so can calling, unfortunately the dnc lists make calling dangerous.
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Welcome to Active Rain Nina. Door knocking is kinda tricky with pandemic still simmering. But I did it through my area to meet and greet starting out 41 years ago and it worked so well. Met the neighborhood property owners one by one.
Got some listings right away, others in six months, heck year later due to you took the time to come to my house... you've been to my property. No other real estate agent or broker ever had. I wanted lots of inventory to have something to sell for everyone in the audience. Farm for listings, mailers work like consistent blogging. videos do in your marketing.
Shadow your most successful agents, brokers, REALTORS in your market and adopt what works in your market. But also, study other markets and would some of what they do work where you hope to list, twist and sell. You have a RE license, now have to learn how to fly and get off the ground.
When your AR profile has no location you work and serve, when no contact information is provided, it is hard to guide and suggest when the profile is a bare cupboard. No agency affiliation, where do you hang your RE shingle? (Cue the Who song... WHOOOooooo are you?) Tell us your story Nina.
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina - it's really about what is most comfortable and effective for you. Sometimes this involves trying one or another. Perhaps an entirely different strategy like pursuing your sphere of influence or participating in an activity you enjoy. You know yourself best. whatever you choose, don't expect immediate success. Good luck.
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
In 28 years I've never door-knocked. I hate anyone knocking on my door and wouldn't do it to someone else.
In 28 years I've never cold-called. And it's illegal to do so for people who are on the no call list. I don't like being cold-called and I wouldn't do it to someone else.
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Agents in our area have had great success with door knocking. People are starved for in person human interactions. But don't go alone. Take a buddy.
I have a farm area that I work. It's lucrative, but long term gain.
Open houses, floor duty and cold calls are all great ways to get out there and get going when you're new. Look up folks whose listings expired four or five years ago that were overpriced. They may want to cash out now.
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Build your Database daily with email addresses . Create FB pages about your community (Micro) And post your AR Blogs to those . Do monthly MLS Marketing Reports to those same communities.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
go to work for a team who has enough business to get you started. Listings are few and far between and generally speaking experienced agents are getting offers accepted.
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Your question is Door knocking and Cold calling then expands to every manner of lead generation. Questions like this that actually create confusion rarely generate actionable results. Well structured questions receive expectponal responses.
Your question can not be answered without some foundational understanding regarding your situation. For example: Are you new to the community therefore no spere of influence exists, not yet a member of social groups or clubs, perhaps you currenlty live in a rental meaning a change of address will happen soon.
If you have a SOI, a index of contacts, business and social networks, and esisting business, your appoach would not be door knocking.
Next we need to know what you have the most of: Time or Money?
The enire real estate industy is depending on you choosing the latter.
Lastly, what are you willing to do? When in your personal history have you demonstrated similar commitment? No one wants to waste time on those who get to the 10 yard line and think the job is done.
There is NOTHING more valuble to a new agent than DOOR KNOCKING.
End of statement. FULL STOP.
How do I know door knocking is highly effective? There is a river of folks being paid big buck by other business to pitch their business at my front door. One would have to believe ALL THOSE BIG BUSINESS OWNERS ARE DUMB AS ROCKS TO WASTE THEIR MONEY THIS WAY. They just might know something.
This is SO effective that at least one door knocking folks are getting paid $1,ooo per appointment. (SunRun Solar) What do you think, is SunRun Solar dumber than a rock?
The new real estate agent who will door knock everday for 14 days has what it takes to succeed. They will learn more in those 14 days then they ever will warming a stool in a train'n room for 2 years. it should be interesting to note nearly 90% of new agents never see their 2nd year anniversary.
But, door knocking does require skill (you will use the skill developed throughout your career) planning and strategy. It is te most effective, lowest cost, action that deliver the most immediate results. Proper strategy also means the door knocking effort can have more durable results making the 2nd and 3rd contact more productive. (#2 & #3 are not suggesting additional door knocking, but that would not hurt)
OF course you must always be prepared with a leave-behind where the bread crumbs usher to home owner into your validation matrix.(They NEED 3, prepare 5)
Now that you have presented yourself to the community (door knocking)(please be aware when you door knock the commuity promotes your presense via Ring and Nest), direct responnse marketing can be a exceptional follow-up, especially if they followed the bread crumbs to your validation matrix. The direct response marketing works best when in collaboration with a local business. I like the nearest Yogurt business. You will need a budget for direct resonse marketing. $2 a door including printed material and postage.
It is worth considering during direct response marketing how to get those you didn't meet to raise their hand. There are 3 things this unmet person wants for assurance before they will raise their hand. Anonimity, control and immediate results.
Great...the phone and website are melting down. SUCCESS! No, not really. You have crossed the 50 yard line and approaching the red zone. There is still plenty of opportunity to get NO RESULTS and judge door knocking as not effective.
When they reach out what are you going to do? That is part of the strategy planning.
And there is the other deminsion. Bill and Marie Anderson at 12 Walnut Blvd redeemed their coupon at Haverty Yogurt Emporium. They followed your bread crumbs, accepted something of value to them and look forward to your next touch. What's your strategy?
The phone rings and Lyndon is desperate because a foreclosurre notice was just delivered and your door drop is in his hand. What is your strategy?
Remember, door knocking is for a season. Once you get some business, that business will generate business and the agent will drift away from the most effective tool they ever used.Why? It is easier to spend money that to get down to the grit and grime of creating a business.
What do you have the most of, time or money?
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
No knocking on doors these days. Cold calling in the days of the cell phone is mmore difficult. Work on expanding your sphere of influence and give serious cosideration to joining an established team with assurance of mentorship.
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Neither. Both are antiquated and doomed to fail.
Build and work your database and your network.
Ricky Carruth are worth watching and his videos are great! https://www.youtube.com/user/SWBWM