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Susie Kay
Ultra Real Estate Dallas Fort Worth - Plano, TX
North Dallas Specialist

Homes are selling like crazy and some sellers think we only work for a few days and the house is sold.  The fact is, your work does not stop even the home is under contract. Now that I think about it, this will be a good topic for a blog on what we do. 

Apr 15, 2021 03:26 PM
Derrick Guevremont
Counselor Realty of Rochester - Rochester, MN
Rochester MN Homes for Sale

There is a challenge with multiple offer situations being the norm at certain price points.  Not if, but how much to offer over asking price.  Convincing buyers that homes are selling for well over asking price is much easier after they offer and fail a few times.

Apr 15, 2021 01:17 PM
Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist
KD Realty - 408.972.1822 - San Jose, CA
Probate Real Estate Services

A lack of homes to list for sale. 

Lack of Supply - combined with High Demand ... bidding wars and homes selling for unbelievable prices with no contingencies. 

Is that a challenge ... it places more on all sides of the equation. 

Apr 15, 2021 02:59 PM
Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041
ReMax Realtec Group - Palm Harbor, FL
Making FLORIDA Real Estate EZ

I find those challenges have not changed.
Still need leads.
Still need to convert to appointment.
And like all of us, we all know if we can meet em, we'll sign em.
100% of my business this past year has been past clients.
Buyers as I have obsered seem to be arriving from a distant planet. One buyers agent nearly bit his lip off exercising self-control as his buyer just went off the rails. I'm not sure if he wanted me to be the bad ass and usher them out or expected I would endure as he was.
To date I have not experienced the run away bidding war situation. That keeps the seniors who are selling much calmer.

Apr 15, 2021 01:57 PM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Only 15 minutes to showa home.


Apr 16, 2021 09:38 AM
Steve Higgins
RE/MAX Kelowna - Kelowna, BC

Lack of inventory and multiple offers. A lot of clients don't want to get into bidding wars and I don't blame them. 

Apr 15, 2021 05:44 PM
Brenda Mayette
Miranda Real Estate Group, Inc. - Glenville, NY
Getting results w/ knowledge & know-how!

Appropriate expectations from buyers and sellers.  

Apr 19, 2021 04:55 AM
Big Block LPT Realty 858.232.8722 - La Jolla, CA
Coastal San Diego, Veteran's & Retirees Services

Keeping buyers' spirits up.

Apr 16, 2021 09:22 PM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

Buyers who are not prepared with pre-approval and a mindset for battle.

Apr 16, 2021 04:35 PM
Michael J. Perry
Fathom Realty - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist

Spending hours with Buyers and not winning the Multi Offers 

Apr 16, 2021 02:25 PM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Best to never focus on problems, keep your eye on the opportunities.


Apr 16, 2021 06:13 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

None, I am retired. Many here in the downtown Chicago area with listings, are in desperate search of buyers. In the suburbs I am hearing selling agents are chasing inventory.

Apr 16, 2021 04:24 AM
Chris Ann Cleland
Long and Foster Real Estate - Gainesville, VA
Associate Broker, Bristow, VA

With buyers it is getting them to write the offers that can get them a home before they are priced out of the market.  Waiving everything and going for it.

With sellers, it is getting them to the see that we are doing MORE work now than we normally do.  All the same prep and marketing, but so much more vetting on the multiple offer front.  This isn't the time to start cutting pay when you need more of a listing agent.

Apr 15, 2021 04:59 PM