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Caroline Gerardo
Licensed in 20 states - Newport Beach, CA
C. G. Barbeau the Loan Lady nmls 324982

Linkedin and Pinterest send lots of clicks to my websites s s My question for you is which one do you like the most, feel genuine, enjoy sharing ideas, and listening on.   Spending money on ads is wasted money if you don't have the joy aspect right 

Apr 06, 2021 11:55 AM
Jeff Pearl
Samson Properties / LIC in VA - Lovettsville, VA
Full Service Full Time Realtor

They will only work for you if you work them. fb, LinkedIn have some benefit. Twitter, youtube, and IG work for some. Those 5 seem to be the most commonly used.

Apr 06, 2021 12:07 PM
John Meussner
Catalyst Mortgage - Fair Oaks, CA
#MortgageMadeEasy Fair Oaks, CA 484-680-4852

Facebook is my best source for getting business directly.  LinkedIn is my favorite for brand awareness/recognition.  IG I don't use for business aside from following people and networking

Apr 06, 2021 11:13 AM
Karen Climer
Demetree School of Real Estate - Orlando, FL
Teaching people to pass the real estate exam

The only social media I have is YouTube.  It is a GREAT way to generate business.

Apr 06, 2021 11:12 AM
Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist
KD Realty - 408.972.1822 - San Jose, CA
Probate Real Estate Services

I am with Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA  on this.

We all have our unique personal and business styles. 

I do use FB, LI, Twitter but mainly for business creed ... I do not expect to get business from it.       

Youtube has generated a lot of business for me and the attorneys I recommend and refer business. 

Apr 06, 2021 01:24 PM
Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA - Thousand Oaks, CA
Residential Real Estate and Investment Properties

Social has almost never been of benefit to me.  When it was, it was people I already knew who simply reached out to me through that site.

Apr 06, 2021 11:40 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Define "working for me." I don't expect much of anything from social media except to provide a level of street cred. I suppose you can always pay enough money to generate leads with ads, but that's not how I generate business.

Apr 06, 2021 01:57 PM
Debbie Gartner
The Flooring Girl - White Plains, NY
The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers

For social media, I just use Pinterest and usually get 200,000 pv/month just from that.  But, I get more than twice as much traffic from SEO which is more passive and earns me more money.


I've also been doing paid FB ads for emails and that is working out very well as I earn a lot from my email list.

Apr 06, 2021 03:41 PM
Peter Mohylsky,
Property Management International-Destin - Inlet Beach, FL
Call me at 850-517-7098

facebook for connecting, etc, etc

Apr 06, 2021 11:29 AM
Doug Dawes
Keller Williams Evolution - 447 Boston Street, Suite #5, Topsfield, MA - Topsfield, MA
Your Personal Realtor®

They all work if you work them

Apr 07, 2021 07:17 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

I had 50K followers on one of my Twitter accounts.  I had daily interaction with some major players.  However, in my experience Twitter was great for socializing, but virtually no ROI.  (I left Twitter, for the same reason that I left Facebook, but the reason that I left is fodder for another post).

LinkedIn - if you work it, you can establish good relationships and develop a referral network.  When I was with the Sarasota Association of Realtors, LinkedIn led me to F2F meetings and a couple of good sales.

Ads?  Spend the money on SEO instead.  See the answer from Debbie Gartner 

Apr 06, 2021 04:37 PM
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


We have tried them all with our clients.  Other than a presence, all  the stuff has not resulted in $$$. In the very beginning we personally had success with linked in.  The real dollars are made from referrals and being visible in strategic ways to the market place you are in...All the time one does not spend on SM is better spent being visible...A

Apr 06, 2021 03:08 PM
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Real Estate Broker Retired

FB is good for paid ads on landing pages. I like LinkedIn better has it's more professional, don't know if I've gotten any biz from it but people have found me there.

Apr 06, 2021 02:48 PM
John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Eleanor Mann it depends on your marketing and business plan.

Apr 06, 2021 01:56 PM
Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041
ReMax Realtec Group - Palm Harbor, FL
Making FLORIDA Real Estate EZ

It believe it important to idenfy specificly 'who is asking this question?"
What I mean is the agent who will benefit brand new, 1-5 years in the trenches, 6+ years into the journey.
Each of these groups have incredibly differant requirements to grow their business.
For example I would advise the 'newbie' that FB ads is the only place they need to spend SM advertising money.  A 'newbie' is more likely to be bold in their inititives rather than gray suit safe the seasoned agent prefers.
My experience aligns with what others have suggested, leveraging the 2nd largest search engine on the planet is a really, really good idea.

Apr 07, 2021 06:05 AM
Brenda Mayette
Miranda Real Estate Group, Inc. - Glenville, NY
Getting results w/ knowledge & know-how!

I'm on all 3 and all have positively impacted my business somehow/some way.  The benefit is namely through branding thereby allowing me to be top of mind when the topic of real estate comes up.  The key is to be consistent in whatever you do.  

Apr 07, 2021 04:33 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Other than as a birthday notification source, none of these make sense!

Apr 07, 2021 04:17 AM
Richard Alan Naggar
people first...then business Ran Right Realty - Riverside, CA
agent & author

Most of what we want and need to know is under the nose and within sight and smell. These platforms serve themselves and in secret... manipulate too

Apr 07, 2021 07:06 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

My largest following is on Facebook but Facebook has never been a major source for new real estate business for me. However, people do recognize me at the grocery store and at gatherings.

Apr 07, 2021 06:12 AM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

AR FB YT all produce well for us.

Apr 07, 2021 02:18 AM