I don't trust it completely as it has filtered out many of the emails I wanted.
Anthony Kirlew
Gilbert, AZ
Tammy Lankford,
Eatonton, GA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Joseph Domino 480-390-...
Scottsdale, AZ
You can also report spam here: https://www.spamcop.net/
Jennifer Mackay
Panama City, FL
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Most email providers have an email gateway spam filter, like a Barracuda product. GoDaddy and Google are two that come to mind. Also a good IT department will have one in place as well for your brokerage. Some even use cloud based products now instead of physical hardware on their network (I prefer the physical hardware route myself, but I'm old school).
The best ones use what's called a "Bayessian Spam Filter" which is an algorythm that learns and evolves to determine with a high level of accuracy what is spam and what isn't. Of course, these require rather extensive training by the end user. Mozilla's Thunderbird email program has this built into it. One of the more common filters out there is the "Apache Spam Assassain" which runs on Linux based platforms and is very popular with email admins. I run it on my email server along with some other tools.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I use Unroll.me, a free service that blocks and unsubscribes for me.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I had no idea, thanks for sharing.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Some other good ideas here that I should consider.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
My VPS has that set up and I still get a lot of spam-o-rama. I need to look into something more robust.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Yep, and still get a lot more than I want or desire!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Some times i wonder if my spam filter is getting paid to put spam in my inbox, not keep it it out
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Yes Richie Alan Naggar
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I still weed through the spam every few days, before deleting it forever. Every once in a while something important gets labeled as spam.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Yes and then they change their names, Richie! Same emails, different email addresses!
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Like others, some WANTED mail was sent to spam folder.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
I don't trust server level filters because of the percentage of good emails that they wil flag as spam. Years ago, faulty email cost me a huge deal with an impatient VP. I will never go cheap on email.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
I used to use my server, but then I found out it had filtered out some potential clients because of terms they had used in their subject line so now I just delete the spam.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Richie Alan Naggar Verizon has ported their email service over to AOL. AOL does filter it, but I have seen good emails being deleted. It get rid of the obvious spam.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
What I found was they were stopping emails I wanted and sending me total spam. I prefer to make my own decisions on what is or isn't spam. It's a few more minutes out of my day but at least I don't miss critical mail.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Richie Alan Naggar - Did not know that - will check.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Google does a good job of filtering out most of it.
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA