What I do, I ultimately do for my wife and my family. I was so passionate with my wife that people did notice. I am no longer welcome at that establishment but it was worth it. LOL
Kasey & John Boles
Boise, ID
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
William Piotrowski
Naperville, IL
Absolutely. I think it shows when I talk with buyers and sellers
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
William Piotrowski
Naperville, IL
You bet ya. I have never gone into a job that I don't throw myself into 200%. It shows and people notice
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
At this point, I'm not sure the word "passionate" hasn't become hackneyed and over-used. It can mean many different things to different people. Am I good at what I do? Yes. Do I like doing what I do? Yes. Do people recognize that about me? Yes. Have I lost interest in what I do? No.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
What is life without passion? A dull one indeed!
William Piotrowski
Naperville, IL
Obviously but just as if not more important is to show them that you genuinely care about THEIR needs and goals .. that you CARE About THEM!
If I am interviewing for either a buyer or seller - they let me know I will be their agent due to my passion.
Attitude and passion are important elements to have. I want to know someone loves what they do and it is not just a job.
Totally; in fact I have one lister who constantly tells me that she doesn't know how I stay so positive. Do what you love and the rest follows!
William - I couldn't agree more! People feed off of your passion and enthusiasm.
yes I am passionate about what I do.... if I were not, I'd be laying on a beach in Florida....
William Piotrowski Sure, it will come out in your personality and body language. People will know.
I sure am William Piotrowski and my clients do notice. When you like what you do, it is easy to be good at it
I was a passionate DJ. I'm a passionate public speaker and author. I'm passionate about my community outreach and my family. I'm a joyful Realtor. I really enjoy real estate and have for over 30 years including investing; I'm passionate about negotiating and problem solving-marketing too, hence aspects of real estate I'm passionate about. But, I'm passionate about the arts. You are right though, as a DJ, you my passion for performing and helping others have amazing weddings was infectious. I may have been blessed and cursed to work my dream job at an early age of 17 until I was 47. Yes, many years of working 2 careers in parallel. But I chose real estate, I didn't fall into it. I had a passion to negotiate for people and solve their challenging problems with my experience and education.
Yes, I'm absolutely passionate about being a Realtor!!! I'm coming up on my 3rd year anniversary of getting my license. I've always enjoyed real estate and helping match people up with the right homes. I was that friend or family member who would be searching with you and going to Open Houses with you, but I never got paid to do it until 2014!
Yes, I am. I think this is the type of business that you must be excited about in order to be successful.
Without a doubt, William Piotrowski - if you don't absolutely love what you do, you should find something else to be doing!
Life is just to short not to be passionate about what you do!