I don't do anything...they KNOW...EVERYONE knows. I have to stay off social media during this time of the year because the message is so ubiquitous, it drives me crazy.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
None of the above, it is a waste of time and money and has no value.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Jerry Newman
San Antonio, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
They would have to be comatose to not know this is the weekend.
Another note will make no difference.
They simply will be late Sunday morning.
And I'll be there with coffee and bagels. They WILL remember that!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Stopped doing that years ago. They're big boys and girls and the information is readily available.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I do not do it anymore. By today i have already got 2 dozen from every other place so i know i dont want to see any more. If i were to do it, i would pick 2 weeks out
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Been there done that a long time ago. No more. I have received so many email "reminders" about this "event" including one that had the incorrect date. Stop the madness!
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Oh, I am SO with Susan Haughton on this!! I used to deliver batteries and a cute card to my clients but, have put that money into something that is more fun for them now!
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Zero, everyone gets bombarded by stuff already.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
I don't - if I did I would be spamming every one's email
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
None of the above. Over hyped!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Everyone gets a Slinky on their door step with a reminder note.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Link them to this question.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Nothing, they have plenty of electronics that will keep them on time.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I do nothing.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I sent an email reminder - I have heard that people don't do it anymore (so I thought I would stand apart from the crowd) :)
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
None of the above. My clients are all adults and fully capable and responsible to manage the time change.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I never did that.... too many other more pressing marketing methods to focus on.... they all know to reset the clocks and most are done automatically now anyway...
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
If I speak with them; yes
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Anthony Acosta Nothing special.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
None of the above
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I sent out postcards this week with an update on the market. I expect to get some calls later this week or next.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
NOTHING. It's trite and over done. It makes realtors look uncreative.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Nothing. Computers and cell phones automatically update to correct time. Plus, it's all over the news and social media sites. I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't know about it. If they don't, they figure it out soon enough. No one needs anyone to remind them about it. It's annoying. You might as well tell them " I think you're an idiot and that you're too stupid to know that you're suppose to turn your clocks ahead this weekend, so I'm sending you a spam email to remind you".
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Anthony Acosta - nothing! They already get so much of junk mail..
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Anthony - I don't do anything because here in Arizona we don't change our clocks back or forward.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I sent out postcards to my farm and sphere of influence.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
None of the above, I have as of today had 30 reminders and a dozen postcards....A
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
They will have reminders from many sources. They do not need a reminder from me.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I only remind those I am dealing with for that day
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Nothing; they are big boys and girls.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Nothing. The way everything is connected, the devices all reset themselves now. I think 10 or 15 years ago, this was a great way to stay in touch and be of service. Now it would be unnecessary and could be annoying.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I don't. So many things automagically update it's not worth it.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
None of the above. I think, it is hard to miss.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
With clients from around the globe, daylight savings time does not apply to all of them. It can be confusing messaging.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Many use postcards - great way to "touch" your client and referral base.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I email them, use to do post cards but not anymore.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I sent a postcard to my farm with a checklist of maintenance items and a reminded but that's it
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Really nothing anymore. They get this from everywhere, so I see this as a bit of a throw-away marketing gimmick and I'd rather spend the money on something that has more added value.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
So little.. everyone tells everyone every commercial and email reminds you.. and these days everything from your Phone to your TV to your oven resets itself. The only thing I have to reset is my wristwatch
I think everyone hears this from everywhere, but sometimes put it on my FB page.