Install a drain pan for the water heater
Seal the house against scorpions
Seller declined - and Buyers proceeded anyway.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
A buyer walked on a contract because 5 days before closing they demanded that the trampoline, which had always been there and was noted in the listing an photos, be removed by closing. My sellers said that a neighbor was willing to take the trampoline the day after closing... about 16 hours later... buyers walked. They were in breach and lost money... I think they were looking for an excuse to walk. 5 days later we had another offer and we closed.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Lynn B. Friedman CRS A...
Atlanta, GA
Fill in the pool.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Lynn B. Friedman CRS A...
Atlanta, GA
One inspector told his clients to ask for all 46 items , one of the items was a screw needed to be replace because the head was stripe.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have the reality talk with the buyer BEFORE inspections so that they have the right frame of mind going in. I really can't remember asking for anything unreasonable...
I can however remember many instances where the seller tries to take attached things that make me say OMG! (put it back...)
Lynn B. Friedman CRS A...
Atlanta, GA
Remove the dead frog from the window well.
Lynn B. Friedman CRS A...
Atlanta, GA
I had a VA inspector claim that the fireplace didn't have a chimney and despite my photos showing otherwise, the buyer demanded that a chimney be added - for a WORKING fireplace! My sellers got a good laugh out of it but, you wouldn't believe the red tape it took to finally get the inspector back out there because he didn't believe that he could have possibly missed the chimney!
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I had a buyer request that a broken receptacle cover be replaced, among other small issues. I had another buyer who wanted EVERYTHING, literally, that was on the inspection report taken care of. Seller said no
Lynn B. Friedman CRS A...
Atlanta, GA
We had to ask a seller to remove a mirror from over a bed once back in my San Francisco selling days. My buyers were too conservative for all that implied
Lynn B. Friedman CRS A...
Atlanta, GA
William Piotrowski - wow! Asking for fixing an electric plug - which would cost hardly $10.
On other hand asking to replace the whole electical wiring because it is made of a material previousl approved - and not so safe now!
I am trying to think of one, I know we've had some but off the top of my mind I can't think of them! Although, our inspector has told us stories about snakes in the crawl space and one of our inspectors was stuck in the crawl for hours because a badger was down there between him and the crawl door and nobody was home. Talk about scary! Oh, and this is also not an inspection item but one of my agents showed a house and in the basement was a live alligator they kept as a pet. In Idaho. Not in a cage. That they had to walk by see the back bedrooms. And I found out the listing was in MY neighborhood. I don't live in Florida and one of the main reasons is I am terrified of alligators and crocodiles and then I found out there was one in my own neighborhood in Idaho! Aaahh!!-Kasey
To correct items that were to last year's code but not this year's code (and the house is 40 years old).
Demanding a new roof paid for by the seller although the inspection showed the roof was tight.
Inspector claiming need for a knee wall at the corner of a garage. A two course knee wll was in place and he was the only one who could not see it! Solution, new inspector and report!
Home inspections just not that common, the buyers are tradesman, uncle bob a plumber, buyer's dad a carpenter, his brother an electrician so only 1 percent get the turn the head and cough with the clipboard "expert". The appraiser dings for broken window, peeling paint, the insurance agent for the missing front steps on the door never used or slap a railing around that open deck and pool.
I've had buyers request every item on the inspection list, including Section 2 items!
I've never had a personal experience but there are some strange requests out there.
I don't feel I have ever requested anything odd. If it needs to be repaired it isn't odd