With all the years I have been in the mortgage business, I try and send out e-mails at least 1-2 times a month to my current and past clients. My data base is over 2,500 ,so my e-mails keep me on the "Top of their mind". Recent studies has shown that with in 6 months, many people forget their loan officer. It is also strange how many of my customers forget that I can also do refinances. My wife who has been in the Real Estate business for 38 years and sells approx. 50 homes a year does this also,but being Irish,on St. Patrick's day she delivers hundreds of Irish soda bread to her customers. Little things work!
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Bob Betel
Sweetwater, TN
I'm reaching out more these days by email and phone - too many for lunch or coffee though LOL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Will Hamm - very often. Planning a Big Bash on 3/12....
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Quarterly - or more often, depending upon the 'group' that they are in. Top refering clients/sphere hear from me once a month - coffee, lunch, dinner, hand-written cards or phone calls. I also have monthly get-togethers and they hear from me 2 weeks prior to those.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Whatever would work in your neck of the woods. A
Beth Atalay
Clermont, FL
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Not enough and not regularly. It's something I need to work on.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
I have 3 groups and I have lunch with them once a month
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
I mostly call/text/email and only with few meet for from time to time.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
I check in by mulitple means, email, text and phone calls and try to do it every 3 months or more often if time permits.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
they receive my postcards when everyone else in town receives theirs!!!!
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
I have them on a quarterly calendar. Email followed by phone call; let's do lunch or coffee.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Depends on the client... but I touch most of them 36+ times a year. I rarely do lunch or coffee... I'm generally too busy and so are they. Half the time, I'm lucky if I can get them on the phone and spend 5 minutes chatting.
I have a data base of over 2,000 people so email is about it unless something specific comes up.
I do a yearly calendar, and monthly newsletter and birthday greetings, email or call with different types of interesting information and reminder that if they need a resource for anything, let me know.
We run into each other at meetings and conferences, pop in when in town, and occasionally pick up the phone and call.
Real estate is local..whatever works where you live. I do call and take clients out for coffee or lunch when time permits.
I invite them to coffee but if I don't hear back I send them a coffee card to use at their connivance in a hand written note. (works wonders)
It varies. I just had dinner with some clients last night. I went to the dog park with another client about two weeks ago.
All get a call each month. Birthday and other cards throughout the year.
A few do get taken to lunch ot out for beverages.
I meet up once a month for those in the A group. It can be a beverage or a trip to the new resturant. Whatever they have the time for.
My goal is to mail every month, call every quarter. I don't always make the calls -- sometimes it's only twice a year. But I am faithful with the mailings.
Really depends on your clients, do they have time to go out for coffee or lunch, if so, what would be the purpose?
I have several clients who live out of state and visit FL once a year, we meet for coffee/lunch/dinner when they're around.
They receive a handwritten card every quarter, newsletter once a month.