I have not seen anything too restrictive ... the most common is setbacks on corner lots.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I've never looked at any deed restrictions.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
I have seen restrictions on who can buy in a subdivision. These restrictions are no longer enforceable. It is an attention grabber when I come across it. I have to read it a couple of times to be sure I am seeing what I am seeing.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Not a deed restriction, but special property rights.
I bought some land in the San Luis Valley, southern Colorado, near the New Mexico border. The land was once part of Spanish land grants issued by the King of Spain.
The first European settlers moved north along the Rio Grande River from Santa Fe and Taos into current day southern Colorado, then part of Mexico.
With my deed to the land, I also got access rights to use nearby Sangre de Cristo mountain lands for cutting firewood for home use, cutting timber to build a home, and grazing rights for livestock. The mountain area is gated, and I am entitled to a gate key, thanks to the King of Spain.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
We have height restrictions here. No more than two stories for any home.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Height restriction is common. I did see one a few years ago where house could only be one story and not obstruct the neighbors view. % of ground coverage is another people usually overlook. This causes some some people to hang the 2nd story over 2' front and back in order to get more square footage upstairs. i saw one man remove his concrete driveway so he could build a garage in back yard. he replaced his driveway with two strips of concrete about 16" wide and left the center strip grass in order to meet to ground coverage restriction.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Not any particular deed restriction in my local area. There are properties in the mountains and local beach areas that have restrictions on heights and removal of trees.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Lynnea Miller - not that I remember any unique ones other than 55+...
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I have seen things like no chickens or pigs stated. I hope they were referring to poultry and swine.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Racist remark about certain races may live in the neighborhood only as servents. That was a CC&R dated from the 1930s......Not enforceable.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
No hunting on a 160 acre parcel...never did sell that year
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I regularly come across racially restrictive deeds from the early 1900's. Sad to think there was a time people thought that was OK.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I really haven't had any restrictions that are partially inventive..pretty mundane and acceptable.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Roof type restrictions come to mind. In my geographic area, fire danger is very high near the west hills. Putting shake roofs on a home is prohibited.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Here in my area is a state park called Honey Moon Island State Park.
Many years before Florida become a vacation spot, this island was designated Hog Island. At the same time deeds included the restriction of pigs/hogs must be confined.
Before that time, main street was used by people and apparently pigs.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I have seen many types of restrictions but I have not attempted to classify which is the most interesting.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
This is not a deed restriction but a restriction within the contract. My parents bought a home in Sepulveda, California in which the contract state that they will share the strawberry patch with their neighbors that crosses both property lines. It was meant to be in perpetuity.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
HOA restrictions are often more challenging than deed restrictions.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Have seen many where seller reserves mineral and or timber rights.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Lynnea Miller Nothing really interesting. We can't have 6 foot fences in our subdivision.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Can't think on one I would consider interesting, pretty standard here.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Our home in Los Angeles, restricted the number of chickens, roosters and rabbit we could keep...A
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
nothing outrageous..... restricting a specific use of the land....
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I've seen some corner lots specify which road could have access to the lot. I actually own a commercial lot that was on the edge of a residential neighborhood. My access had to come from the heavy traffic street, not the side more residential side.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
Nope, I've lead a boring life. It's only been no fence.
Lynnea Miller
Bend, OR
I haven't seen anything too creative. The last one I saw didn't allow manufactured homes and the homes to be built had to be at least a certain square footage.