Nathan Gesner, Broker / Property Manager (American West Realty and Management)

Spam prevention
Anita Clark
Coldwell Banker Access Realty ~ 478.960.8055 - Warner Robins, GA
Realtor - Homes for Sale in Warner Robins GA

Personally, I would change about 30% of the article (and definitely the first few paragraphs) when I posted it here in the Rain. I would then have a link someplace in the article going back to the article on my main site. I would also name the anchor text something slightly different than the original article too.

If the original article was an epic post (long form) I might even create new versions of the article, post on a few other sites (i.e. realtytimes, huliq, etc.), and link back to my AR article. The more Google juice you can flow through your AR post back to your main article the better (IMO).

Jan 16, 2017 08:38 AM
Debbie Gartner
The Flooring Girl - White Plains, NY
The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers

When I have time and really care on priority posts, I do exactly as Anita Clark suggested.  I will also write future articles on here and link back to the post.

When I'm too busy, I do the lazy way and copy/paste on here and near the top or after 1st paragraph, I write originally posted at XYZ and link.

I no longer trust putting the link in bottom section after the post...because often when you edit/resave the article, this disappears.  (not sure if that is still happening or if it was a tempoary glitch).

Jan 16, 2017 12:01 PM
Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA - Thousand Oaks, CA
Residential Real Estate and Investment Properties

I've seen some talk about putting "Original blog at: " at the bottom, but from what I've heard (and I could be wrong) Google doesn't care.


Our three experts here: Nestor & Katerina Gasset, Tammy E. and Debbie Gartner would be the best sources for an answer on the mechanics of it all.  Like with anything though, you may get different answers the more people you ask.  I think Anita Clark has a good approach too.


Personally, I paste the same thing three different places and I don't worry about it.  My site, AR and RealtyTimes.  The last two link back to my site, but not particular articles.  Some suggest waiting until the blog is picked up on Google from your site, then publish on the others but that doesn't work for my schedule and "Git 'r Done" mindset.

Jan 16, 2017 11:37 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

I would not do a complete copy and paste but as Anita Clark points out make some changes, and include a link in the body of the post.

Jan 16, 2017 08:55 AM
Sam Shueh
(408) 425-1601 - San Jose, CA
mba, cdpe, reopro, pe

Put your website at the bottom of each blog.

Your phone # also.

Jan 16, 2017 08:24 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Sounds like Anita Clark has you covered. Me, I am taking notes!

Jan 16, 2017 10:26 AM
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


I am not quite sure what you mean exactly.  Please clarify.  Some folks used to copy a few paragraphs to AR and then add a link to their post on their web site.  Personally, we did not like to go read it elsewhere.  A

Jan 16, 2017 08:00 AM
Katerina Gasset
The Gasset Group & Get It Done For Me Virtual Services - Provo, UT
Amplify Your Real Estate & Life Dreams!

Anita Clark  has the best process to follow for the best linking juice opportunity. 

That being said, how you link to your website should be determined by how competitive the keyword you are trying to rank for is. The more competitive the more deeper linking you need to do, the more linking to AR you need to do before you link to your website. 

From AR which is a first tier site - which links to your "money" site - you want to a lot of linking with using naked urls, your name, branded terms, and semantical keyword terms. 

In order for your Activerain post to rank - you have to send links to it. You can send links from other sites like blogger, medium, etc to your AR blog post, not your blog profile page. Those links are where you use your direct anchor text links to point to your AR site which in return links to your website. That process alone is time consuming and whether it is worth it or not is decided by the commercial intent of the keyword your post is about. 

I don't recomment the system where you add just a few paragraphs of your article from your website and then link back to it. That is not going to get you any traffic because people don't like to go through click bait. 

The other thing that a lot of people do is write :originally posted at//" which is a waste of an opportunity for a CTA. First of all , google does not care that you put that on your post. Think about it. It is a machine with no feelings and uses math to decide on which post has more authority. Writing some words like that matters just does not make logical sense. 

You should also use your links inside of your content, not at the bottom because a lot of people don't scroll to the bottom of your post. You should have CTAs throughout your post. 

Jan 16, 2017 04:59 PM
Carol Williams
Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA

You have some good answers already.  Just be sure to link back and forth regularly.  

Jan 16, 2017 09:25 AM
Barbara Todaro
Retired...Mentoring Newbies - Franklin, MA
Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team

I like Sam's answer to you....

Jan 16, 2017 08:31 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Share links in your ActiveRain blogs.

Jan 16, 2017 07:48 AM
Les & Sarah Oswald
Realty One Group - Eastvale, CA
Broker, Realtor and Investor

I would do what Anita Clark has suggested. She is the expert.

Jan 17, 2017 06:13 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

What Anita Clark and Debbie Gartner said.

Jan 16, 2017 09:54 PM
Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

Nathan Gesner - an excellent answer from Anita Clark, the expert in this field.

Good Luck.

Jan 16, 2017 09:28 PM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

I would change it up a little and put a link back to your website. I do not like to repost the exact same content.

Jan 16, 2017 08:04 PM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Anita Clark has the right answer for you!

Jan 16, 2017 07:01 PM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

At times it would be a good idea.

Jan 16, 2017 06:46 PM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

I need to see what otheres say on this subject, not sure.


Jan 16, 2017 05:41 PM
Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist
KD Realty - 408.972.1822 - San Jose, CA
Probate Real Estate Services

I am with Anita Clark - AND  I do wait for my WordPress post to get indexed by Mr. Google before I share it on AR.  I change the title on AR and do not include a full copy and paste.  At the bottom of the post I write something like "Original post and link the title of that post." 

Jan 16, 2017 02:23 PM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel

Others have answered

Jan 16, 2017 01:53 PM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Just a link in the post should do it.


Jan 16, 2017 01:40 PM
Tony Lewis
Summit Real Estate Group - Valencia, CA
Summit Real Estate Group Valencia & Aliso Viejo

Cut and paste the URL and put a picture on your website with a hyperlink to the article or blog post desired.

Jan 16, 2017 01:30 PM