I've yet to see a true drag and drop tool that is 100%
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Yes, they are ok for some things, but they have some limitations. some ( like Beaver Builder) might be a little better than others. There are better ways to go.
Realty Labs
Kelowna, BC
Wish I could help, but Word Press has always been a bit of a mystery to me.
James Call - I have not yet tried out this on my own! Relying on the template based websites so far!
I just use whatever editor came in WordPress. Works well enough for my needs. The theme I use (Quest) meets my design needs.
We use the best theme ever that has a drag and drop plugin. I started using it back in 2014 and build all my sites and other sites with it now. It is amazing. They also have very strong lead boxes, countdown timers, testimonial plugin that pulls in the testimonials from FB, etc., great landing pages, video pages, etc. http://KaterinaGasset.com/BestThemeEver
I have VC and used it a few times right after my site was built but I prefer to write out my articles and use the default settings to build pages.
I left Go-Daddy web site and one other well known one because their web site building was too complex. Word-press worked fairly well. Everything still can use much simplifying until it is down to click 123
Hi James,
Drag & Drop page builders have some advantages and disadvantages. We even use them ourselves on occasion as, like you said, it makes life easier. A page builder tool will generally be easier to use than a "normal" wordpress site.
The main advantage, as I'm sure you know, is that they make building a webpage very easy for people that don't know HTML, CSS or other languages. Many allow for some nice looking effects such as slide-ins just by a checkbox.
The two main disadvantage to the builders is that most of the builders have a lot of bloated code which will slow down the page load speed. This, of course, makes the user experience poorer and increases the chance the visitor will leave the site without going further. The other disadvantage is that there are often limitations to what you can do. Sometimes not even developers can work around those limitations. So, if you want to add some specific functionality in the future, you may not be able to do it.
Most of the websites we build do not use a page builder.
WYSI is not a new function by any means so I'm not sure how to answer the question. I'm not sure why you couldn't just cut & paste from one site to the next with a few updates now.
There is a FB group that is totally dedicated to WP & realtors - find those guys & they can help you. It is pretty heavy tech so I don't visit it often because I don't know what the heck they are saying 1/2 the time.