Sorry, this is first time I have heard of WAZE app. Interesting comments
Annie Adjchavanich
Los Angeles, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I'm a fan. I have two or three routes to work that are theoretically nearly identical. Considering someone always smashes their car into someone on the roads I know which ones to avoid on a given day.
Annie Adjchavanich
Los Angeles, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Annie Adjchavanich i used it for a while - and stopped it. Great app for sure.
Annie Adjchavanich
Los Angeles, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
We had it and did not like it...probably the only ones on the planet. We like our GPS system also gives us alerts. A
Annie Adjchavanich
Los Angeles, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I like the traffic alerts and diversions that save me time and reroute me. I find I usually arrive withing 5 minutes of the estimated time. That is important on a cram packed day.
Annie Adjchavanich
Los Angeles, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
traffic accidents, cops ahead of you. The downside one can not store address in advance. I want to know how you did the planned drives.
Annie Adjchavanich
Los Angeles, CA
Occasionally, I always forget I have it, but I like the -cop sighted- alert and the traffic accident work around alerts.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
I don't use WAZE or any similar app.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I do and I love it. It is hard to beat traffic in L.A. but it is very helpful to know if you have an accident or any delays ahead.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have used it some but prefer Google Maps. Waze is good for checking on traffic, especially when planning our jaunts to and from LA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I love Waze Annie. It is better than a cars GPS. It even tells me that pot holes are ahead.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I use to have it and deleted it.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I need to revisit Waze. I tried it when it was a new app and they didn't remove a lot of the traffic enforcement blips, making the map look like there were police speed traps all over town - which meant you could easily miss all of the speed cameras. For simple trip planning, I've found Google Maps to be terrific. But they don't tell you about the speed and red light cameras.
I do not use it. Navigation works well enough for me ... that combined with exceptional overall planning ... rarely fails me.
Some of it is built into Google Maps (Google bought them a few years back). Accident reporting and ETA is nice.
Waze itself, I like the "Cops are near" feature... especially since the last time it kept going off was because I was driving an LA Sheriff's vehicle.
I just heard about the app today; will check it out if ever I have a spare minute.
I love it for road trips, but haven't even considered it for planning purposes!
Have not used it so far, Google Maps seems to fill my needs for most things.
Im not sure this App will wake me up and navigate me to my home office any better than my dog does when he wants to go out and then lies next to me underneath my desk.
I have heard about WAZE. If I lived in a major metropolitan area (Atlanta or Miami) I would use it!
I don't use it but have some family and friends that swear by it! They did have a couple of negative comments about it but I don't really remember what they were. I guess it's time I try it for myself! I'm constantly traveling through Cincinnati which is always a NIGHTMARE! UGH....
It is very popular app that Alphabet purchased a few years ago. Just like AR, you can collect points but you can also collect titles and cute avatars.
My husband has it and loves it. What you said about punching in all the addresses ahead of time sounds great. I need to try it.
WAZE is one of the few apps I use. The reporting of accidents and possible detours is its greatest feature. Helped me avoid a 7 hour closing of the interstate because of an accident. Tremendous!
I no longer use it but I don't remember why. It seemed to be a complete ram hog that I could live without. I use G nav now.
I came back because I rememberd WHY I stopped using it. Targeting police officers while they were sitting in their cars. It's one thing to point out speed traps but I think this could be misused - especially now.
I haven't - but based on some of the responses here - will be checking it out!