All I can do is shake my head. I'm curious what this will do to real estate values in S.F.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Hmmm . . . . . I wonder if the President and the United States "Just Us" Department (President Obama and his political ideologues) will file suit and threaten to take away federal funding for not obeying federal immigration law like the recent threat of withholding federal monies from school systems who differ with the President's viewpoint on the transgender bathroom situation???
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Totally wrong!!!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Typical SF mentality....
It is said SF is 46 square miles surrounded by reality...
Fun city, but very self-destructive residents...
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
I'm agreeing with Susan Laxson - is there anything else our government hasn't screwed up yet?
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Susan Laxson CRS
La Quinta, CA
Sanctuary cities are designed to circumvent the law and unfortunately, even those of us who are compassionate to the plight of those less fortunate are being conned by those criminals who are using that sanctuary status to their advantage.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
I dont know what it is, but the rest of the country is never surprised at any thing that comes out of your state.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Since I can carry, it's not a big issue so long as I drive up. I'm not a fan of sanctuary cities, Los Angeles is one and I've seen the crime rates rise because of it.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
John DL Arendsen When it starts at the top and the laws are not enforced, this is what we can expect. Hopefully, the next administration with do better in upholding the laws in this Country.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Those "Supervisors" are committing treason against the United States of America. They should be hanged.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Upholding a "law" that is itself unlawful --- you would think people would get arrested for stuff like that.
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
This position filters straight down from Sacramento. If the State Government allows this to continue without any penalty, then it will. With Gavin Newsom and Jerry Brown at the top; it is not likely to change anytime soon. I see Newsom plans to run for Governor in 2018. This needs to be stopped if California is to survive the crazies.
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
I'm more than a little irritated. Maybe that's because I and my family were LEGAL immigrants to the USA and waited years to be allowed in.
Susan Laxson CRS
La Quinta, CA
I haven't had time to follow the news cycle today. Not surprising for ultra liberal SF though.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I haven't been following this closely. Another total disregard for our Constitution and I wonder if they will get by with this. If a Southern city was doing it the Administration would be all over it with lawsuits.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
People...all of them....in every nation I have visited...share the same desire of their heart....Health, more prosperous future for their children, peace.
Through out time it has been governing bodies, be they elected, imposed or in the guise of religion, that have keep citizens separated that have made us enemies.
My heart breaks for those who must flee for their lives. This is nearly incomprehensible to most USA citizens. Fleeing for your life. Willing to give your life for another. To hold a conviction for which you are willing to die.
In this land (USA) of relative morality, we long ago slipped down the slope of relativity, losing the high ground.
Without doubt, California is the birthplace of flakes and nuts. But one must ask, "Is this decision following the path of kindness?"
Then decide on which side you will to fight.
John DL Arendsen
Leucadia, CA
Washington allows the laws they don't like to be broken with no regard. But try that with one they do like and...Look Out!
San Francisco has always danced to the beat of a different drum...we have always known that. Laws are broken every single day in every city from texting while driving to immigration in general. It has always been that way throughout history. It is human nature.
I have nothing to fire at you or feel it is a powder keg in my opinion. It does not make us want to not go up there and have some good deem sum, or work with a real estate company or agent. A