an office is as good as the agents who work there..... I'd select the nonfranchised office..... I've managed both and we had the strongest office with the mom and pop office...
Dianne Goode
Raleigh, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
I have always been independent, not sure how to be part of something else.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
See my picture.. I have a smile on my face because I am Independent and able to make decisions about who, what, when, where, how, and why I want to work. Need I say more.
Dianne Goode
Raleigh, NC
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
I have my own brokerage and it is a 'Door Numero Uno'. I am not interested in the headaches that go with expansion, and in my area, a lot of mega-offices have shuttered, their top producers opened their own shops and are every bit as competitive with the 'names'. My main objective was and is a great career and a full life of prosperity and autonomy. And I have it.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
We have always been independent. It really depends on you and what would make you happy. A
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Thanks for the insightful comments everyone
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
It depends on the franchise options for me and a high ranking website means nothing if the agents don't work the leads
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I'm not sure your premise is correct but likely option 1.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
Why do you have less of a chance for growth if not franchised? We have been independent for 30 years and give the franchises a run for their money every day without being chained to their costs and restrictions.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
- 1. but less opportunity for growth
- opportunities for growth and attracting reps is much larger.
You need to know what you love and what loves you back.
Do you see yourself changing lives through the transformations of a heart centered business or do you see yourself delivering outcomes that are the result of an expertise based business?
Finally, what does your business plan say? Is your plan to build an enterprise to sell then retire to something you REALLY want to do?
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
Independent where I can do what is best for my clients, myself and my family. I've worked in corporate environments and there can be benefits, but I don't seem to need those these days.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
I've always been a franchise guy . People complain about the royalty fees , but in most years I got that back via out of area agent referrals !
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
The private business that let's me make all the rules (except laws, of course).
I think it depends on what kind of agents you want to attract as "reps". New agents tend to gravitate to the franchises, thinking they are going to get better support and training. Veteran agents seem to gravitate more to the agencies that offer them the most independence.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
Oh, having been part of both, there is NO CONTEST!!! Door Number One!!! Money, headaches, babysitting, corporate rules and regs . . . I do real estate because decades in corporate America made me want to be my own boss.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
Tim Shepard I would remain independent with more opportunity for growth.
Tim Shepard
Destin, FL
I don't believe that having a well run private brokerage would limit the opportunity for growth. And, that's what I would choose.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
It would depend upon the results of a comprehensive analysis of both options.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
I own a Century 21 office and I love the freedom of being independently owned and operated plus accessing technology I could never do on my own.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
An office is as good as the managing broker and his/her selection of affiliated agents. As to franchise or nonfranchise, choose carefully. One size does not fit all!
We did the former and we very pleased with the control we had over our business.
Either path has its plusses and minuses. I know teams that have gone from franchise to independent, and from independent to franchise. If going with a franchise, read the fine print.
Tim Shepard - I'd prefer the later. Why to reinvent the wheel when the systems are already in place?
Not sure that your assumptions are correct about opportunites to grow existing only with a franchise affiliation.
not sure that the well branded private business is the one with less opportunity for growth -
I operated under an independent and the training was just not there. Now I am with a firm that lets me still have that independence and I don't worry about training, E & O insurance, rent and so on
Most people I know who have their own brokerage do it to get out of the corporate rules and regs.
Opening my own company whether independent or franchise was never my goal. So my answer is it depends on your personal goals.
The former rather than the latter, but then again, I've owned businesses all of my life. I like it small and customizable.
Door #1 - you are then responsible and reap the benefits of the work you put into it and without the rules and regulations of a company that might not have you as their #1 priority.
Hi Tim - We chose Door #1 and have never regretted it. Building abig brokerage was never our goal - we just wanted a better environment to grow our own business.