Habitate for Humanity - I used to donate to others but since they all started being picky about what they would take I've stopped.
Example: Old TV's - only Habiti will take them. Goodwill and others have told me they can't sell them because users can't play their PS games on them - REALLY?
I never knew if you were despondant you could be picky
Jennifer Mackay
Panama City, FL
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Not sure we have a favorite. We give a good bit to United Way, I'm a regular blood donor, we do a lot of work with animal rescue & Liz takes our pet therapy Chihuahua to a local hospice, senior center and VA hospital, RE/MAX supports Children's Miracle Network so we contribute there with each closing, and our church does a Habitat for Humanity Build the Walls event every year that I enjoy, and that's up next Saturday so time to swing a hammer (and feel it for a day or two after!). Bill
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Water Street Ministries , Lancaster , PA ( a Rescue Mission)
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
Habitat for Humanity, I donate my time.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Habitat for Humanity, and have donated many hours to their projects. It supports our industry.
Children's charities and animal rescues and St. Jude. Both money and time volunteering.
I am on the board of the Realtors Care Foundation of GTAR a non-profit that grants up to $5,000 in down payment assistance to families in need, we also give grants to students that are from our county, Hillsborough, in Florida for college if they are studding Real Estate as their degree and also have a disaster relief fund that also grants funds to cover some if the needs of disasters. Since our founding in November of 2009 to date we have granted out over $300,000.
Believe it or not, Puerto Vallarta Mexico is a wonderful place to live. Weather, cost of living, terrific health care, low crime rate, and the locals are extremely friendly. Crime rate here is actually much lower than the U.S. Just a different quality of life for sure!
Malibu Mountain Rescue Team. I donate time, money and serve on the board. It is a 501c3 that supports the Malibu Search and Rescue team. If you have any money you'd like to donate, please let me know!
St Jude medical center. It's the only childrens hospital that is free to those who need care. I used to contribute to Habitat for humanity, but they bought several lots in a really nice neighborhood where one of my clinets lived, and built homes that were far inferior to the rest of the neighborhood. It really hurt the value of the existing homes, so I started taking a closer look and decided that it wasn't really a good thing for most neighborhoods to have a habitat home or several in the community.
Our current family favorites are Boy Scouts (our son is in it) where we donate money and seriously about 15 hours a week each (though my husband does more time since he is one of the Assistant Scoutmasters that camps 2-3 times a month with the Scouts) and 2nd Harvest Food Bank. Both of our kids enjoy volunteering by sorting and packaging food at the food bank.
I have donated blood regularly for years and will continue to do so but I don't give money or additional time to the blood bank. They are getting my blood afterall! :) I am hopeful that my kids will be donors as they get older since they go with me sometimes.
I've noticed that where we volunteer changes as our kids get older. We'd like to get more involved with the local animal shelter and literacy if we could find the time. That may have to wait until the next phase.
Donate a tremendous amount of time and a smaller amount of money to various causes through the franciscan order and the Catholic church.
Hi Peter - The Larimer County Humane Society, and we contribute both time and money.
Animals and Veterans ... donate money to both and time to helping animals.
My fav charity is Almost Home Foundation where they find animals new homes in the Chicago suburbs. I adopted a dog from them, only donate $$. But I promote them big time on the internet in all my sites.
I have several but my two favorite are the Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center - time, money& prayers
and Cups of Cold Water in the Dominican Republic - just money on that one and prayers!
I support time to several not-for-profits and several local business entrepreneurs who were raising money on Kiva. I am paying forward a % of my commissions to these local business. I keep adding causes and individuals throughout the year. I am working with a Purple Heart Veteran who became a client but is also a artist and I am helping him. I also volunteer with Chicago Jazz Institute.
Charity water, and the local animal shelter. Time is precious and we donate money. A
Pearls Series of Books on Life, Love, Intimacy & Purpose does good work
I have two, The Star of Hope and Ft. Bend Women's shelter. Funny when i was younger and I had time and money, now it is money, food and clothes.
Mine is Community Resources and I give mostly $$ but time if I am needed.
locally, I donate time and money to our local hospital weight loss program....
Local Food Banks. Money and food. May contribute time in the near future.
Vested Interests raises money for ballistic and stab proof vests for police dogs; I support them financially and through Amazon Smile. I also donate goods and money to our local community food bank, as well as to a local no kill shelter and local animal shelter. I serve on the Board of our local Y, donating time and money to them, as well. Oh, and I donate time to a local summer program which delivers lunches when school is out to children who otherwise would go without since they rely on free lunch and free breakfast programs at school.
Those are my top charities, all equally important to me.
Favorite charity?
For me that is like asking which is the favored child.
I guess ones heart is where they spend the most time. That would be a local feeding program.
Least favorite - Susan G. Komen
the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - I used to volunteer time - now just $ but my daughter is moving back to DC so maybe I will start volunteering time again too
My favorite charity is my local animal shelter. But I support other causes, as well, from Children's Miracle Network to the food banks. In my case it's financial support.