I handle that. I walk thru and tell them what I want done and what an appraiser, inspector and buyer will expect. Then, we do it. Results follow
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers I've never had a seller purchase a home inspection. Most wait for the buyer.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
For luxury properties almost zero. It comes up when the property is older and may have some issues even though it seems well maintained.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Most of my sellers have a termite inspection when they list. It's pretty cheap and they know up front if they're going to have to negotiate anything. I deal with a lot of investors and they do the inspection and the wood replacement during construction. Tenting gets saved for escrow.
Physical inspections: No. The inspectors tend to vary in what they loook for/at and most buyers will accept a termite report the seller did, but not a physical inspection.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I don't recommend an inspection for the seller but I do suggest pre-marketing to them. Most of the time they ask 'does this need to be fixed' & I tell them yes.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Less than 5%. In my market area buyers generally get their own and they would rather wait.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
100% of my sellers do this at my recommendation. There is a very compelling reason to get pre-inspections done.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I recommend it to them, but very few do it.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
We have found that this is not a huge selling point in the Sacramento area. ut in the Bay Area where we operate a small satelite office it is the norm. I prefer it personally, and am trying to get my sellers in the Sacramento area to adopt it.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
we have never had a seller interested in that....and we don't recommend it....
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
In my “other” state, Texas, where inspectors are licensed and they inspect to standards there might be a rare occasion that is a good idea. Here in Colorado inspectors are not licensed, there are no mandated standards, so what one inspector writes up may not match what another does. Here I don’t recommend pre-listing inspections.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Well over 50%, I highly recommend it.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Good morning Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers. I always recommend it to clients and do it for all the home that we flip.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers not too many. Though some of them I worked with did go for pre-listing home inspection and it was good we found something that we disclosed.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I have yet had a seller order pre-listing inspections.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I would say 100% of those who list with me ask me to walk through and give them suggestions Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
100% so far, as it's not proposed as a choice in my business model; more matter of fact. It's all in how I present it as a benefit to them and a standard of my listing prep. It's often questioned, never denied so far. With TRID, it's almost mandatory to do so to meet time-frames anyhow.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ