Enough said.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Brenda J. Andrew
Willis, TX
Jack Lewitz
Evanston, IL
Well, it is easy. I'm living in Los Angeles hood: sun, Hollywood, stars, etc.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
They think of Folsom Prison and Johnny Cash. They usually have the wrong impression of Folsom.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Interesting question Jack Lewitz! When people think of the desert here, they think of 'no mountains', 'nothing green', 'nothing growing', 'border disputes', and 'only Mexican food'.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Most people think of Time Square, Statue of Liberty or Empire State building;
when we tell them we are 6+ hours from the city they are flabbergasted!
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Valencia, California is a relatively small town but known in some foreign nations due to our Golf Courses. People from Japan used to join the Valencia Country Club and fly in to play because it was high quality and cost them less than playing at home. Valencia is a wonderful preplanned community with Six Flags Magic Mountain, safety and great schools. It is the highest quality location that is affordable to the masses. Many foreigners are coming here daily.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Out here, not too much. We have some recognition for being next to the Reagan Library and being one of the safest cities in the nation. I usually have to tell people we're about 12miles NW of Malibu (as the crow flies). Back in the Grey Davis recall election when Arnold was running, the joke was that everyone was running for governor here and we were asked if we were in the running. It didn't help matters that porn stars were running for governor with, shall we say "interseting" campaign slogans.
I am not sure about my town, but if they know I'm from Texas they are thinking of cowboy boots & horses-like the Wild West.
I was just in Egypt for 3 weeks. Many of the locals did not even understand "Pacic Ocean" let alone Hawaii or my island of Kauai. We decided to say "California" instead, which was much more familiar to them.
My area is internationally known for many things. Many immigrants from around the globe choose to immigrate to my area.
Frederick, Md is known for the Spires of the historic downtown skyline. Home of Francis Scott Key & Barbara Fritchie
Maybe cows and cornfields. I doubt anyone from China would have heard of La Crosse.
People think of the Governor's Mansion in Colonial Williamsburg when they think of Williamsburg.
People think we’re are frozen in snow all year. The fact is we have great weather and only occasional snow.
No one has a clue where I am! ;)
Everyone knows Laughlin, NV, the Colorado River and Las Vegas (90 mi N)