Distance, gla, age, size of lot, and schools.
City: 1/2 mile or less
surburban-1 mile max
rural- < 3miles
size- must be +/-10 to 15%
age- should be close to 10 years or so
lot size-+/- 20%
School quality should be equivalent
You must be new. The last few years my # is very much gospel. No lenders have disagreed with me for a long time. As for sellers I will not budge on the price much. When they are unreasonable I do not represent them...
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Jeanne Feenick
Basking Ridge, NJ
Lisa Brown
League City, TX
Do not be afraid, comps don't lie. If you have trouble finding good comps for the subject, expand your search and inform your client of such.
Lisa Brown
League City, TX
I research comps daily for my buyers, so its routine, nervous no. The more you do them the less nervous you'll become. I'd meet with an appraiser and learn what they do. My comps became so much more accurate after I befriended one of our local appraisers (back when we could still order appraisals).
If you're not nervous about reaching out to me privately next week, I'd be happy to help you as I imagine the principle of comps is the same in all 50.
I'm away this weekend and today, but feel free to contact me next week.
Lisa Brown
League City, TX
I don't get nervous more aggravated when I can't find much to work with during a CMA.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Proximity of subject to comparable
Square footage
Bed rooms
Full baths
Half baths
Total rooms
Year built
Other amenities
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Not at all.
Keep in mind, the buyer and seller have also done their research. They know the wrong numbers. Sillow. The know the low number - Tax. The know what the neighbors house sold for which is always a lesser house.
The listing agent has done their research using methods described by others.
The issue is not coming up with the numbers, it is knowing what the client is thinking and validating their conclusion then skillfully getting them back to reality.
Remember, you are simply presenting another set of number following or to be followed by other agents. That should suggest behind success lies another dimension.
Lisa Brown
League City, TX
I complete 2-4 bpos a day so pulling comps are 2nd nature. My criteria on average is homes within 20% in size, 20 years in age and 1 t o 3 then 5 miles in distance. Always searching the same neighborhood first. then adjusting for difference.
Lisa Brown
League City, TX