there are NO staging companies in my market. So I went to Atlanta and took a few classes and try to help clients the best I can.
Becky Bortzfield
Jacksonville, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes I hae and it worked like a charm. It can be effective at any price point, as there are so many "gradations" of staging.
Becky Bortzfield
Jacksonville, FL
I paid $500 for two consultations with the same Stager. The Home Owner's thought I got took, didn't see the value in the finished layout, however, it sold quickly, much quicker than they thought it would. Enough said. This home price was more than three quarters of a million.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I do all the time. And from the price points of from 100,000 -1,500,000.
If the home needs staging it it gets it! For me staging works! I am a big fan
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
On a most recent listing, I hired the stager to come and walk the property and yard with the sellers and me. The stager made comments along the way and then emailed detailed notes for the sellers to use as a guideline to carry out her suggestions.
It was a couple hundred dollars and well worth it.
I lent the Murty patio furniture, some throw pillows, vases and potted plants to the cause. These are items that have come up in some of my other listings, too.
We have so few in our market place that I do not use them. I do use their principles though.