My Concierge! But she is worth every penny I pay her!
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
Larry Johnston
Elkhart, IN
IDX and Web related expenses.
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Direct mail marketing, but I make a great profit on it.....the up front money would discourage most...
Annette Thor
Westport, CT
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Client parties. I host 1-2 per year and they cost $800 to $2,500 pending what I provide. I've been doing them for years and they are my favorite way to promote my business and they get a great return. Nothing like having a group of people in the same room, all with loving you & your services as their common thread!
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
My most expensive marketing expense is Internet related expenses and all the fees associated with being in real estate (I belong to two MLS's) not to mention board dues, lock box/key fees, signs, etc.
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
All my Internet expenses make up about 50% of all expenses!
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Direct mail but it far and away has the best return. Just sent out a Just Sold postcard mailer and it hit mailboxes today and I got an inquiry to list another property in a neighborhood of $2-5 million homes.
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
An Office person is the number one marketing expense, but she is the marketing department and is well work the cost.
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Direct Mail, Far and Away the Highest Cost in Expenses.
Also the best in returns apart from referrals.
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Got to be website- then association dues- then lead sources
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
I'm spending a lot of time learning about social media marketing. I learned how to use Hootsuite to organize and monitor my social media accounts.
I just bought a useful book, Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies (3rd ed) on eBay for about $20. 800 pages of good information.
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Lead generation when you factor in time.
Amanda Powell
Millersville, MD
Direct mail and advertising in the newspaper. In my resort area, there is a monthly paper provided free through retail outlets and everyone reads it!
Stamps... Good God the Stamps! ... They know me by name at the post office, not sure if good customer service or if its because I can singlehandedly pay their salary.
Internet marketing expenses including websites, CRM, design, etc.
Interesting question Amanda Powell , and interesting answers. too. Internet still seems to be winning.
For my company it would be the cost to be part of reputable associations. Then it would be our print costs for our flyers, postcards / direct mail, etc.
If we're not speaking of time and actual dollars than it has to be Direct Mail. But also my number one source of leads.
I offer service as a stager so my TIME and gas.
Then it's investment in the purchase of cookies, fruit, candy, health snacks, homemade banana bread, DO-STAGE! LLC survivor kit/care package (for Open Houses for the Realtor/Broker) . . . for the great opportunities to come do presentations to many real estate offices!!
It's ALL worth it!!! It's a team effort to get those properties SOLD for TOP DOLLAR!
POSTAGE. We spend hundreds each month on postage. I'm looking to change that.
Good morning Amanda Powell,
Besides myself, I would have to say it is my business phone and Internet followed by my website.
For me it is my assistant (and she is worth every penny) and then online lead generation. FB is a big lead source for me.