Mary Vavala , Pay attention to Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School. Never stop learning. Be sure you work at a company with great training and support. Find a mentor or coach to get a Plan in place. Most agents fail because they fly by the seat of their pants on a daily basis. You have to create a prospecting and marketing plan and follow it.
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Mary Vavala
Bradenton, FL
Prospect for listings and let that be your goal everyday. The rest will come with little or no effort.
Mary Vavala
Bradenton, FL
Be professional, be honest and prospect. Good Luck!
Evelyn M Epperson
Johns Creek, GA
Get with a company that has a good training program. Take advantage of all the training and education that is offered by your brokerage and local Board of Realtors.
Mary Vavala
Bradenton, FL
Have a plan. Business is not going to fall out of the sky. You have to work for it.
Confronted morning Mary. My advice would be to blog and press the flesh.
Good morning Mary. My advice would be to blog like crazy in as many sites as you can get on.
My first advice would be to upload a photo of yourself on your AR profile and enhance your profile talking about your years of experience, some of your past clients and how you will translate this into your real estate career. What are your strengths? Let the public know.
My first piece of advice is to upload a photo so people will take you serious.
so you have experience in related fields? Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School has good advice with getting a good training base with your broker