It's one of my pet peeves. Get it the MLS info correct.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
The accuracy reveals a lot about whom your dealing with. I do make gentle correction on the MLS often: I e-mail the agent and inform them. If they made an honest mistake, hey I make them too, we end it there with them correcting the info. If they refuse to change a blatant error or misrepresentation I report them to our board, because it upsets me & my buyers to show up to "detached house in neighborhood A" only to discover it's an "attached home in neighborhood B". I see it as an innocent mistake (an a poor reflection on that agent's ability to know the product they are selling) until they refuse to correct it, then it's false advertising.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
In our mls you better be 100% accurate if you don't want to be fined.
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
I think the listing agent should get it right...but there are different levels of competence among our peers.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Renee - I like the answer Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor provided.
It seems as though you are dealing with an agent who deliberately used a nicer/more popular neighborhood to increase the number of potential interested buyers. Twelve blocks away is not even close.
I would contact them and explain the mistakes you found and just see how they respond. If you get nowhere, you can either contact their broker or report it to the MLS.
It is up to the Listing Agent, to validate the correct description of Neighborhood and check the appropriate sources to get all the accurate information on the home. Example: Tax Records, Information from the Assesor, Planning/Zoning, HOA etc.. and never go off of a previous MLS Sheet from another Agent. Their information just might be inaccurate. Use the appropriate direct sources and do your own research...
Pet peeve - if you don't know your property well enough to fill in an MLS data sheet accurately . . . what's your value? Having said that, we ALWAYS review and doublecheck MLS 'facts' for a prospective buyer as if we believe none of them, just to be safe. But it sure makes our job easier to have a data sheet completed with the best info the listing agent has available, to get our clients interested in a property.
You can't police everyone. Tha't why I make sure I have the kowledge about the area.
With all the information on the internet there should be no problems. As we are human mistakes do happen.